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Ski Area "Uphill Policies": 2014-2015


Active member
Apr 30, 2009
Magic Mountain, located in Londonderry Vermont, has radically expanded their uphill skiing policy. From now on, it appears that skiers and snowboarders who hike the hill will be allowed a second run on the house, essentially a single ride lift ticket free of charge. See the Mountain’s press release below:
Magic Mountain Announces Hike One Ride One Uphill Skiing Policy
February 2, 2015 Londonderry, VT: The best uphill policy in the ski business just got better! Magic Mountain is excited to announce a first of its kind- an expansion of our uphill skiing policy- which already sets the industry standard. Effective immediately, any uphill skier or splitboarder who successfully climbs the 1,700 vertical feet to our summit will receive a complimentary token good for a single lift ride (limit one per day, valid only same day). Simply announce to the lift operator at the base that you intend to climb up, climb to the summit and our summit lift operator will give you a Free Turns token, which can be redeemed by the previously notified lift attendant for a free ride back up on the chairlift!
Magic Mountain is an industry leader when it comes to supporting uphill skiing. Magic introduced one of the first official (and least restrictive) policies in 2008 and continues that tradition with today’s Hike One Ride One policy. We believe this program embodies our mountain’s community-driven values and supports our mission of offering affordable, classic Vermont skiing, snowboarding and outdoor recreation.


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
It is hard to discern what Whaleback is trying to say. IMO designate outside trails for skinning or hiking with the requirement that they stay to the side of the trail during operational hours. During non operational hours the mountain can be more open but they would have to be considerate of the groomers and snow making crews. If skining after hours (smuggs, stowe, sugarbush) they should make sure uphillers have proper equipment (i.e. headlamp). I pulled together this report for Tenney which was a combo of stuff listed here, on another website and going to the uphill policy site for the ski areas. Stowe has the funniest one.


Sugarloaf: Must have a valid pass or ticket $10 pass for day from Guest Service desk. Must remain on open terrain and visible to downhill traffic. Suggested route is: "Windrow to Bullwinkles, and Tote Road above that point". Hours are 8:30-close. You may NOT access backcountry terrain from Sugarloaf's open terrain. http://www.sugarloaf.com/the-mountain/uphill-policy

Sunday River: $10 access ticket available for those without a pass and who do not intend to ride lifts. The prescribed route is "skiers right on Dream Maker from the South Ridge base area and Sunday Punch from the Barker Mountain base area." No after-hours access; no access before 8:00 am on weekends/holidays, 9:00 am weekdays. Must use open terrain and may not access backcountry terrain (similar to Sugarloaf). Scroll down: http://www.sundayriver.com/winter/th...ain/trail-maps

Saddleback: Required to purchase an Uphill Pass $10. During operation hours, uphill access is restricted to the skier’s right of Green Weaver, Tri-Color, and Grey Ghost. http://www.saddlebackmaine.com/saddleback-ski-area-uphill-access

New Hampshire

Attitash : Does not allow uphill access.
Bretton Woods: $21 Uphill ticket required; Uphill travel on designated rout during operating hours only. http://brettonwoods.com/alpine/uphill_policy
Cannon: $9 ticket per day, must hike up "hiker's right" of a marked and prescribed route (Ravines to Taft Slalom). Skiers may choose any open route down. Can ONLY access terrain during OPEN hours: http://www.cannonmt.com/uphill-policy.html
Cranmore: Allowed during operational hours and requires a $12 daily skinning pass or lift ticket
Crotched: Yes, uphill travel is allowed (No webpage regarding uphill use)
Dartmouth Skiway: All guests using Skiway trails must possess a valid daily 'area use ticket'. Charge for this 'area use ticket' is $5. Purchase does not permit lift use. Uphill travel is permitted only during lift operating hours, 9am to 4pm http://www.dartmouth.edu/~skiway/docs/skiwayuphillusepolicy.pdf
Gunstock: Currently does not allow uphilling on its alpine terrain.
Loon: Uphill Access day ticket for $20. The routes of uphill travel are from Lower Picked Rock to Grand Junction to Upper Bear Claw to Exodus; and Cruiser on South Peak. http://www.loonmtn.com/trail-use-policy
Pats Peak: Uphill Travel Routes - Blast to Zephyr to Backdraft to Crosswind to Cascade Basin summit or Puff to the top of Puff. No Cost http://www.patspeak.com/winter/uphillpolicy.html
Ragged: Only allowed during operating hours. A $10 fee or a season pass is required. The ascending route will be determined and may change depending on conditions. Currently the designated route is Cardigan Turnpike. http://raggedmountainresort.com/mountain-stats-and-info/up-hill-traffic-policy/
Sunapee: Uphill Travel Routes - Lower Ridge trail to Upper Ridge trail on the Main Mountain, Sunnyside Down to Province on South Peak, Please travel single file on the right hand-side of the trail heading uphill. Uphill Travel is permitted between 7:00am and 9:00am and between 4:30pm and 9:00pm. For Uphill Travel you must purchase an Uphill Travel season pass for $49 or have a lift ticket http://www.mountsunapee.com/mtsunapeewinter/onthemountain/uphill-travel-policy.asp
Waterville Valley: Use of lifts, trails, and glades at Waterville Valley Ski Resort during the operating season is for skiers and riders with approved devices and is granted only after a lift ticket has been purchased for the day or with a season pass. Backcountry skiing access to Mt. Tecumseh is available via the Mt. Tecumseh hiking trail. http://www.waterville.com/trail-uphill-policy.html
Wildcat: Must buy a trail pass ($10) or a lift ticket because of liability release. Prescribed route is: "the designated uphill route is Stray Cat to Middle Polecat to Catnap to Upper Polecat and will be identified and posted in the main base lodge at the ticket counter. Use of the mountain during the winter operating season is prohibited outside of regular operating hours." More info at: http://www.skiwildcat.com/trails-terrain.html


Bolton Valley: Uphillers must have an Alpine or Nordic day or season pass during operating hours; no pass required when area is closed. Uphill skinning (no snowshoes) allowed designated routes only - Wilderness: Turnpike to Peggy Dow’s or Timberline: Twice as Nice to Woods Hole to Brandywine no skinning on Vista. http://www.boltonvalley.com/the-mountain/snow-report-and-maps/Uphill-Travel-Policy
Burke: Uphill travel recommended during operational hours on designated uphill routes (see Link). Uphill Pass armband required. http://skiburke.com/skiing-and-riding/tickets-and-passes/uphill-policy/
Jay Peak: Participants must have a free Uphill Travel Season Pass and identifying arm band. Uphill Travel allowed only on designated routes and only during operating hours. http://www.jaypeakresort.com/skiing-riding/the-mountain/winter-uphill-travel-policy/
Killington: Must purchase a $20 Uphill ID Pass with Photo ID and sign 2014-2015 Assumption of Risk Form. Routes on both Killington/Pico vary. No access to lifts. Park in designated areas: Killington – Ramshead parking lot near the Uphill Travel sign plaza. Pico – Far left as you enter the parking lot, adjacent to the Little Pico Triple Chairlift near the Uphill Travel sign plaza. No apparent restrictions regarding time but avoid ski area operations and wear lights and reflective clothing. http://www.killington.com/site/to-do...vel/index.html
Magic: Uphilling is free and encouraged. http://magicmtn.com/earn_your_turns.php
Mount Snow: Uphill Travel Pass ($10/day, $49/season, free for Season Pass holders) is required, travel on open trails only – dusk to dawn only. http://www.mountsnow.com/ski-ride/mountain-safety/
Smuggs: No Cost. Permitted only between 6:00 am and 8:00 am, and 4:30 pm-10:00 pm (no evening access for Sterling). Note that there is no rescue services. Prescribed route for Madonna is Chilcoot; Garden Path or Snow Snake at Morse. Lights and reflective gear recommended. Do not ski on fresh groomed terrain. http://www.smuggs.com/pages/winter/s...vel-policy.php
Stowe: Vague! No Cost? Uphill access during operational hours prohibited and discouraged after-hours. If skinning after-hours, AVOID resort operations. http://www.stowe.com/ski-ride/lifts/uphill-travel-policy/
Sugarbush: Call ahead to obtain permission and get designated route(s). Uphill Pass required at no cost. http://www.sugarbush.com/snow-trails...ail-use-policy

from the other thread


Active member
Jan 27, 2014
Skied at Windham over the holiday weekend. Noted two things. First was I saw two guys who skinned to the top of the West Peak. Must have been hard work cuz they were basically in tee-shirts by the time they got up there with big smiles on their faces.

Second thing was I skied past a person snow shoeing up the side of Wrap Around. This is a narrow trail with tons of people. There was nothing safe about this situation and I was very surprised to see it.

I don't mind uphill travel, but IMHO it should be in specific places and not on a narrow trail that has a lot of traffic.