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Sunapee morning of 12/20/15


Jan 26, 2013
Medford MA & Grantham NH
Given that my home hill is not open yet I used my last comp pass for Sunapee. I debated heading up to Cannon since the same couple of runs at Sunapee have been open for the past three weekends. However, I really didn't want to spend the day under the guns and felt even grading on a curve things would be marginal so it was not worth the extra time in the car to Cannon just yet. Besides I am cheap and it is hard to spend money on early season conditions outside of food and beverage when using my pass.

Clear day with some modest winds at Sunapee. They are aggressively trying to expand their terrain into their Sunbowl area as well as link both base lodges. That being said aside from the base area the guns were off on the handful of trails they had open. Upper Blastoff was a one and done for me. Good coverage but just too firm and too early in the season to push my luck. Skyway Ledges/Westside was not bad but firm spots were certainly to be found. I skied a little under three hours. With only one decent pathway down that was enough.

No lines in the morning but having the ski team there flying down the WROD gets kind of old. I felt like a gate or a pylon they were using as part of their training.

The picture below is where Skyway Ledges meets Skyway. The trail with the snow guns firing heads down into the Sunbowl area.
