New member
03jeff, yep, I hear ya. That's about what happened to me New Year's day. Here I was with my new skis, feeling pretty confident and "watching" my form on an easy trail. But I think what happened with that fall was that I was overly confident and laxed too much on one leg letting my ski get away from me and down I went. Not sure how graceful it looked but I'm sure glad the helmet helped in this instance because I banged my head backwards and don't ask me how, but I also must've jammed my hand down to stop myself? I dunno, it all happened way too fast, but when I recovered my left arm was pretty sore and my right tumb from the way I had a hold of the pole??? Like I said it must've been a pretty graceful fall..... I'm still recovering my left shoulder from that. Lost the whole month of January to this, but went back at it and still a little cautious not to fall. But sorry I'm getting a little off topic here. Guess my point is I know if your gonna take a fall try not to save it, but sometimes you just don't see it coming.....but if you do, I know you should just take it, which I have plenty of times before and have come out alright.