Got it. Jim. I did wonder if you intended something less sweeping than "nobody seems to care" - I think the courts and many of the less histrionic observers were focused on what she would want. This is why I prefeaced my statement with "on the face it" - figuring I had to focus on what you posted, not what I might guess you intended.
I think demonizing her husband serves to distract for Terri the real human being and focus attention on a rhetorical victimized Terri who could be an icon for bashing the Courts and the liberals.
BTW: Amidst all this court bashing, has anyone kept count of how many lf the Supreme Court justices were Democratic appointees? You might venture a guess before looking it up.
Another BTW --- SRO - I think you were referring to Randall Terry. I doubt calling him a scumbag is helpful, but I do see him as a mis-leader.
I think demonizing her husband serves to distract for Terri the real human being and focus attention on a rhetorical victimized Terri who could be an icon for bashing the Courts and the liberals.
BTW: Amidst all this court bashing, has anyone kept count of how many lf the Supreme Court justices were Democratic appointees? You might venture a guess before looking it up.
Another BTW --- SRO - I think you were referring to Randall Terry. I doubt calling him a scumbag is helpful, but I do see him as a mis-leader.