considering all the terrain that is open, I hardly think rim run, FIS and Black Diamond are a huge issue not being open. Even if they were, how do you think they would ski today or all next week for that matter. I am all for the parks and the parks crew. So many kids love the park and if the kids want to ski then the parents get to ski. Every major resort has a park and the data suggests it is a good investment.
Agree with your first two sentences. Could not disagree more with your opinion of the parks. I’d say that at least 80-90% of the “kids” who “love” the park are straight up adult male thugs who have absolutely zero respect for anything or anyone. That’s the demographic being catered to; and it is the demographic antithesis of “family-friendly” (not to mention horrifyingly incongruent with the adaptive skiing program that uses the sunshine quad as their main lift).
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