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Moose, what you are missing is Killington does not just draw from the Ottqueche but from the Woodward Reservoir and possibly one other source. In addition, it is probably not a direct draw from either but those feed reservoirs Killington has that then feed the system.
When Otten bought SB, they drew straight out of the Mad River. Flow rates were issues so to avoid that, he built a reservoir on the river to store water during high flow times to not loose drawing capacity during low flow periods.
Sunday River has access to the most water of probably anywhere. But even they use holding ponds just off the river to stockpile water for pumping up to the hill. You do not want to pump straight from a river in the middle of winter as it can get super cold and River flows will almost halt, unless you have a deep holding reservoir.
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Killington has 4 water sources - and they are used in this priority order as it is less expensive to use water close to where you need it.
-Roaring Brook (which replenishes the Snowshed Pond)
-Falls Brook (which replenishes the Bear Pond)
-Ottauquechee River/Gondola intake (which replenishes both the Bear and the Snowshed Pond). This pumping station is on the east side of Route 4 (underneath the walkway abutment)
-Woodward Reservoir (which replenishes both the Bear Pond and Snowshed Ponds when they cannot withdraw from the 3 above due to conversation flows). Water is sent via gravity/siphon from the Reservoir to the main pumping station where Route 100 and 4 split in West Bridgewater. The pipe goes first to Bear then over to Snowshed.
Woodward was installed in a nutshell to meet conservation flows at the existing intakes and get more water at the same time.
They wanted to originally tap water sources up in Parker's Gore in the 80s (and build a pond there called "Mendon Pond") but gave up after considerable opposition. They later then swapped this land for the land in the basin between K and Pico with the state.