Interesting about GMP. I was wondering why we hadn’t heard about any curtailments this year.Sugarbush budgets the gallons needed for each trail. This is not news. This year the month of January was consistently cold and a new policy with Green Mountain Power allowed them to operate without any curtailments. As a result the budgeted depth for all the trails was reached by the end of January. In fact, it is my understanding that more gallons were pumped than last year. This is noticeable on a number of the trails, especially at LP where the goal in to keep skiing into the first week of May on Spring Fling, Snowball and Stein’s. And yes, as Hawk mentioned, Mother Nature is kicking in. I just back from Utah and the skiing s better here, although they are now getting some needed refresh. The forecast here this week is looking good,
I’m not sure why some people are so hung up on how long into the season they make snow. As long as everything is covered with the expected depths, I’m happy. Personally I’d say the earlier they finish the better.