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Today's Financial Woes


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
I wonder if the number of responses will surpass the number of views.

I honestly don't know how I feel about this thread. I love it in that it's a great sounding board for things in the world that bother me. I love it because there are number of people in here who's opinions I respect and who's commentary I can learn from.

I hate it because Azone is kind of an oasis for me. A place to hang and talk about one of the things that brings me the greatest joy in life.....skiing.

This has been an interesting thread to read, BUT ......I hope it's not a trend. WE get bombarded in every direction regarding the shaky grounds we live in now.....at the pump, in the heating bill, in the grocery line, all over the news. It comes from so many angles that it can drive me nuts, you're essentially forced to think about the nation's problems every waking moment.

Not sure how much I wish to keep that dialogue going here. I say that, yet I'm often the first to respond to political / economy type threads. I guess what I'm saying is that I have deep concern and feelings about what's going on in the world, I am quick to share my thoughts.....but I can't wait for the day when such things become trivial again in my life.

....snow needs to fly.

Moe Ghoul

New member
Apr 6, 2008
Philly, PA / Jeffersonville, VT
"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow?

Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth in their military chest; with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point, then, is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we will live through all time, or die by suicide."

Abraham Lincoln January 27, 1838

Moe Ghoul

New member
Apr 6, 2008
Philly, PA / Jeffersonville, VT
The Fed likes to seize banks on Friday after closing hours, but they made an exception this time to try and add urgency to the extortion plan held up in DC. WaMu bites the dust. The FDIC is already in line with hat in hand for more money for future failures. Maybe our reps are listening to the overwhelming opposition to the bail out. Let the chips fall, Mr. Market will sort them out. If they want to help the economy, shore up the FDIC, SIPC, raise the insurance limits, fund the SBA, there's plenty of ways to help. This bailout is BULLSHIT.


New member
Mar 23, 2008
I HOPE all of you are scared. Yes, troops are going to be deployed on our streets on Oct. 1st. in anticipation of civil unrest. What civil unrest? Yes it is completely illegal. It is a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus act of 1878. This financial crises is no accident. The crash of 1929 was no accident either. Joe Kennedy (JFK'S father) knew it was coming and pulled all of his money out of the market and didn't lose a dime. The "Federal Reserve" is NOT part of the U.S. government. Deceptive name, isn't it? It is a PRIVATE bank.This is NOT "politics", it is current events. They are setting up portable prisons in the states as we speak . If the American people don't wake up soon, they will be in Camp Fema. Don't believe me? Google "Camp Fema." Of course the "Army Times" doesn't sound too nefarious. The "Stars and Stripes " military paper completely lied about the attack I was involved in. I guess I'm a "conspiracy theorist".


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
I HOPE all of you are scared. Yes, troops are going to be deployed on our streets on Oct. 1st. in anticipation of civil unrest. What civil unrest? Yes it is completely illegal. It is a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus act of 1878. This financial crises is no accident. The crash of 1929 was no accident either. Joe Kennedy (JFK'S father) knew it was coming and pulled all of his money out of the market and didn't lose a dime. The "Federal Reserve" is NOT part of the U.S. government. Deceptive name, isn't it? It is a PRIVATE bank.This is NOT "politics", it is current events. They are setting up portable prisons in the states as we speak . If the American people don't wake up soon, they will be in Camp Fema. Don't believe me? Google "Camp Fema." Of course the "Army Times" doesn't sound too nefarious. The "Stars and Stripes " military paper completely lied about the attack I was involved in. I guess I'm a "conspiracy theorist".

I hope they at least wait until October 3rd.....I get paid on that day :lol:


New member
Mar 23, 2008
"It's not worthwhile to strain one's self to tell the truth to people who habitually discount everything you tell them, whether it's true or not." Mark Twain.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
Quoted from some blog that's not at all political ;-):

And that's where we get that math problem. 1% of all mortgages -- the amount now in default -- comes out to $111 billion. Triple that, and you've got $333 billion. Let's round that up to $350 billion. So even if we reach the point where three percent of all mortgages are in foreclosure, the total dollars to flat out buy all those mortgages would be half of what the Bush-Paulson-McCain plan calls for.

Then we need to factor in that a purchased mortgage isn't worth zero. After all, these documents come with property attached. Even with home prices falling and some of the homes lying around unsold, it's safe to assume that some portion of these values could be recovered. In the S&L crisis, about 70% of asset value was recovered, but let's say we don't do that well. Let's say we hit 50%. Then the real outlay for taxpayers would be around $175 billion.

Which, frankly, is a number that Wall Street should be able to handle without our help. After all, the top firms on Wall Steet payed out $120 billion in bonuses alone between 2000 and 2006. If they've got that kind of mad money, why do they need us to step in now? And why do they need twice as much as all the mortgages that are even likely to implode?

Moe Ghoul

New member
Apr 6, 2008
Philly, PA / Jeffersonville, VT
I HOPE all of you are scared. Yes, troops are going to be deployed on our streets on Oct. 1st. in anticipation of civil unrest. What civil unrest? Yes it is completely illegal. It is a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus act of 1878. This financial crises is no accident. The crash of 1929 was no accident either. Joe Kennedy (JFK'S father) knew it was coming and pulled all of his money out of the market and didn't lose a dime. The "Federal Reserve" is NOT part of the U.S. government. Deceptive name, isn't it? It is a PRIVATE bank.This is NOT "politics", it is current events. They are setting up portable prisons in the states as we speak . If the American people don't wake up soon, they will be in Camp Fema. Don't believe me? Google "Camp Fema." Of course the "Army Times" doesn't sound too nefarious. The "Stars and Stripes " military paper completely lied about the attack I was involved in. I guess I'm a "conspiracy theorist".

Hysteria and fear never solved anything. Read the above postings, Posse Comitatus is dead. Ron Paul is right about monetary policy, within a coupla years a new consolidated currency will be backed by gold certificates, probably some kind of ratio that the CB's will agree to in a global agreement. The current system is terminal.


Active member
Feb 17, 2004
Bangor and the state's woodlands
...another displeasure...

Back from my AM paddle...gets the blood circulating!;-)..Was listening last night...talk show had the usual Republican vs Democrat thing..going..what really irked me was this Republican representative...that was ranting and raving about how fiduciary controls will destroy the free market economy....made me wanna purge..;-). Would really like to see not just a few individuals canned..but thrown in prison or stood up to a firing squad. Jeez, been a long time since the good old cold war firing squad utilized..;-)
Have a great weekend everyone....

..just my $.01...
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Moe Ghoul

New member
Apr 6, 2008
Philly, PA / Jeffersonville, VT
Quoted from some blog that's not at all political ;-):

It's not the underlying mortgages that are a problem. its the UNREGULATED OTC derivatives which repackaged mortgages into unmarketable specific performance contracts that are imploding and leveraged up the balance sheets to historic highs. The down turn in the mortgage market was the match that lit the fuse.