Isn't it typical for mountains to limit these kind of promotions?
It is, but two things:
a. if you have a "cyber monday" price advertised, you should probably just keep that price for all of "cyber monday" so when people jump on to order in the middle of the afternoon you're not "out of stock." They're not "out of stock"- they're not selling hard goods.
b. how many 3-packs do you really think they sold? I doubt they were just going nuts selling shitloads & if they were, then great, let the $ keep rolling in even at a discounted rate - god knows they need as much upfront as possible for operations. Seems crazy to turn down the early revenue.
As it worked out, I just got annoyed & said F*ck it. Didn't buy anything- and I know others who did the same.
What's worse is what Speedfreak pointed out- Many people trying to buy 3-packs are former passholders/shareholders (myself included).