New member
I flip between Netflix and Amazon for binge watching purposes (though, usually 1 episode a night, so not really binging). I can't ever remember which thing I was watching what show on, so that's a problem.
For daily/normal watching, though, still can't get over the hump of having to decide what to watch. We just don't invest that much effort in it. Sit down, turn on HGTV, turn on computer, zone out for an hour, go to bed. I hate paying $100+ a month for that. Kids watch "more" though still very little, and their needs are entirely manageable with the iPads.
Just have to decide to rip the cord out.
RIP it out! We did for 2 completely different reasons that seem to line up with yours:
1) For me: I never even think to turn on the TV. If I'm home alone I'm either listening to music or doing something on my computer. The only time I watch TV is to sit and spend time with my wife. So I had virtually no need for a cable subscription/cost.
2) For my wife: She always turns on the TV and watches whatever is on regardless of quality. She got sick of that time suck and wanted to cut the cord to prevent her from wasting time with the TV.
Now we stream everything through Netflix, Amazon, or network apps. We watch less total TV. When we do watch, we choose the content and timing. So much better. So much cheaper.