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Your 2012-2013 Ski Season Recap


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Well, with the Fat Lady singing at Killington this weekend marking the end of lift serviced skiing on the East Coast it's time to reflect on what was and start getting psyched for next year.

Overall, I'd rate my season a solid A-. Between working full time and returning to school as a full time student, I wasn't planning on having that great of a year, but my season exceeded my expectations both in the quantity of days I got in (25) and the quality of the conditions. I got particularly lucky this year and the many storms we had seemed to coincide with my available time to hit the slopes.

The highlight of my year for sure was the AZ Summit at Sugarloaf during Nemo. I always love the Summit, but we had been screwed on conditions every year until this season. Aside from no Snowfields, the Summit was just about as good as it gets at Sugarloaf. I think the 100+ Azers in attendance would agree.

Other highlights for me this included killer conditions at Killington during snow.down and numerous small to medium powder days elsewhere. I was also very pleased to ski at a dozen different areas for the year including a couple that I hadn't hit since the 80s.

The only reason I gave an A- grade to my season is that I was in horrible shape this season and really didn't ski as well as I would like. If I were in better shape and exceeded 30 days, I would have given it in A. Only really regret this season outside of fitness and quantity of days is that I wasn't able to squeeze in a day in May and my season ended a bit earlier than I was hoping for on April 29th.

Overall though, I'll take a season like this past one every year. Despite the January thaw and several weeks of less than optimal Spring Skiing conditions, I'd say our weather / snow surfaces this season were above average for the east.

Loon 11/19; Sunday River 11/26; Wildcat 12/20; Gunstock 12/27, 12/30, 12/31, 1/21, 1/27, 2/24, 3/10, 3/11, 3.30, 4/7; Attitash 1/6; Sugarloaf 2/8, 2/9, 2/10; Ragged 2/18, 3/21; Pat's Peak 2/25; Shawnee Peak 3/3; Killington 3/23, 4/29; Sugarbush 4/14; Bretton Woods 4/15



New member
May 14, 2007
I'm not quite done yet. I'm heading to k in am to grab day 161. I rate this season. A solid a+. I skiied 17 mountains over the course of over 8 months. Most were at Sunday river jay and sugarloaf. I cant wait to close this season properly and epic-ly tommorrow.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2013
A minute from the Alta exit off the I-15!
I started at Butternut on December 15 to get in my final turns before the apocalypse (remember December 21?). And ended in a beautiful spring glade with an inch of fresh snow on April 15. By far, my latest tree skiing ever! In between there was a lightning hold, steeps, trees, and any snowy vistas at the top of Vermont. I even found a way to make Okemo a pretty good mountain! See video:

There were some major downsides to this season as well: Only one day in the epic mid-late March. I did not get to experience the new and improved Killington. Smuggler's Notch had under-par conditions MLK weekend. I didn't get in as much bump skiing in as I wanted. That's my true mogul in skiing! Still a pretty uplifting season, after all, conditions could go downhill for next year.
I love bad puns :thumbup:


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2006
I'm gonna lump the fall in with this year as it may have been the highlight. I did things slightly different.

Left work Oct 17, spent a a few days riding up at E Burke, so nice up there. From there i got in the car and drove west as usual, only many weeks early. Stopped off in Nebraska and rode some singletrack by the platte river, better than you'd expect and a welcome break from driving. From their continued on to Grand Junction, skipping Denver as it was snowing on the Front range. Stayed with some friends the first few nights and decompressed from the drive.

Few days later set my tent up out in the North Fruita desert and just basically road the shit out of Fruita/Moab/Western slope for the next three weeks. It was F%^cking awesome, I love the desert-this set the stage for a very healthy me also. When it got cold i got a room in town and I took a couple rest days and did some off roading down in Telluride area. Overall the weather in that few weeks was fairly mild for November and sweet Colorado sun as normal. After getting my fix of singletrack and desert I continued my drive west to Tahoe.

Arrived in Tahoe just before Thanksgiving. Immediately got out the skis and hit the manmade, followed by riding the epic South Lake trail system right out my back door in the afternoons. The climbs here are crazy and I got up to the snow line a few times. The riding here might be as good as anywhere i've been honestly. Took Thanksgiving weekend off and spent it up in Reno cooking/drinking/and tons and tons of resting (which at this point i needed). Immediately after Thanksgiving we started getting same really big storms, the first series on the warm side and they got progressively colder as December wore on. It was a ridiculous amount of snow that came down in December. Every days was the same; wake up, ski powder, go home and cook dinner, hot tub, fatty, sleep. Skiing wise it was one of the best months ever for me and to give you an idea mott was open well before x-mas, earliest opening ever actually.

January was dry. One small storm that really only produced at Heavenly only (14 inches) but the skiing remained good as the temps were cold and the base was set. I mixed in days where I would drive down to folsom or auburn to ride my bike but was selective as gas is $$$ in California and I'm not taking in any money. In hindsight I should have taken a part time job, will probably do that next winter...nights.

February was dry also. Two years in a row Tahoe has been a bitch in the dead of winter. The base was still good but the condtions were starting to slide. I spent a lot of time that month exiting the ski areas gates and hiking/skiing sidecountry. Not many out there and there was some decent corn at times. I was getting frustrated and increasingly broke, snow was finally starting to fall to the east in the rockies and at the end of the month I took what very little i had left and drove back to colorado to catch a storm cycle, because 8 weeks is just too long to go in winter and Tahoes forecast was bleak. I said my fairwells till next year and drove.

That week in Colorado was perfect, nice blower pow. Started in summit county and backtracked to Grand J to hit powderhorn who had gotten the jackpot for the state in that last few storms. While the rest of the state was sitting on a thin base powderhorn was WAY above average. I mixed in a couple rabbit valeey/zion curtain rides also. Good stuff. Eventually it was time to head back east as i was flat broke, work was calling as the guy i hired to replace myself (permanently) didn't work out. I safely packed away my smoke for the summer and drove back in the beginning of march, earliest ever for me.People backhere were warning me the skiing sucked, stay west. They were right when i first arrived but things changed quickly...

There was about a week of pretty shitty skiing when i got back here. Getting paid allowed me to buy tickets and honestly my schedule was very light (slow till easter). My first couple days were at Cannon and Sunday river, fun but definitely firm...damn. And then the snow came. That day at Saddleback, I think it was a tuesday, there were a couple others on the board that were there, man that was good!!!! Deep, light, pow with a nice base, one of my best days of the year. From there i skied lots over the next few weeks and by the time i ended my season a Killington i skied around at 13 different areas in New england mostly shopping for bargains or chasing weather. It was liberating not being tied to a pass. I wouldn't have had that perfect spring day at Stowe.

All in all I got lots of skiing in, didn't count but likely over 100 with lots of other fun stuff also. Skiing wise the season gets a b- but overall im giving my winter an A+. Now its time to make some money so i can do it all over.....


New member
Nov 29, 2007
Real solid season and, as of yesterday, it's over.

Not sure whether this beats 2010-11 in my book - I had 35 days on skis that year compared to 30 this year, but far more earned vertical this year than ever before, with six days on Mt Washington. And just a real good mix of experiences.

Late start, first trip 12/28, but quickly built up fine downhill stamina despite starting out about 20 lbs heavier than I was at the end of the season before last. Plenty of two-day trips where I skied long and hard on day 2 with no problem. Skinning up, though ... well, speed was not one of my attributes. Gotta have a better conditioning plan for next season.


- Trip of the year goes to 2/21-22 Jay in 2' of upslope powder. One of those trips where the stars align (and props to my old friend AZer caffrey for urging me up to Jay instead of somewhere further south in the Greens, which wound up getting half the snow).

- got a midweek season pass at MRG for the first time, as they removed blackouts from it. Made that worthwhile including some survival skills training early President's Week ... and some excellent conditions there too including great powder on 3/20. Also stayed at the Barn and did a bit of exploring up the 19th Hole, including a fine little dawn powder patrol on 3/20.

- actually had a couple injuries for the first time, one to a knee and one a godawful shin bruise courtesy of a stupid freak accident involving a tree. The knee injury was weird (I suspect an MCL sprain) as it didn't hurt when I skied, only when walking/descending stairs/etc. Obviously the solution to that was to ski more! The shin thing actually required a minor surgical procedure and kept me off the slopes a couple weeks, although I didn't miss any primo conditions then.

- I'd actually never skied in May before yesterday. Early to mid-May is always tough for family and work reasons. Yesterday was the latest I've skied by a full month.


New member
Nov 29, 2007
p.s. Biggest regret: I managed not to make it to Magic this year.

But a great season all in all. Here's perhaps my favorite photo of 2012-13, from Gulf of Slides Trail (looking up at the first gully/avy runout)



Active member
Feb 25, 2007
CO Front Range
in a word, disappointing.

unfortunately I spent the season unemployed. I knew it was coming in the fall and chose to be conservative with discretionary spending so i didn't get a season pass to my local hill nor the new skis i'd been wanting. My plan was to take advantage of mid-week opportunities and chase "discount days" around new england, leveraging CSC days and other options.

had some minor personal injury/physical issues which took the edge off my passion and willingness to take a chance on a few questionable days at the beginning of the season. then in Feb my daughter sustained a horrific injury skiing at Sugarbush on the first run of what was supposed to be a long weekend of skiing. I didn't ski for a few weeks after that but when i returned i was even less driven to sneak in days. i basically used up remaining discount tickets i had or kept it very local and quick.

i wanted very much to ski for the first time in May and while there options were there I hurt my knee even more than it had been playing softball in late april which made skiing not an option.

i think i ended with 22 days. my goal had been 25 as a minimum. 2 new mountains (mt ellen + stowe), i missed out on 2 others that were planned but fell through (greek peak + gore)

2012/13 Season -
Ski Sundown - 12.28 1.16 1.20 2.26 3.29
Crotched Mountain - 12.30
Pat's Peak - 12.31
Mohawk - 1.4 1.18 1.25 1.26 2.1 3.30
Sugarbush - 1.7 1.8 3.24
Stowe - 1.9
Mt Snow - 2.8 2.9 4.9
Magic - 3.3 3.10

between poorer physical condition, age and injury i objectively look back at this past season as the first time i didn't improve my skills on the slopes. at best i ended the season at the same skill level as the previous year.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Très bien season du ski pour moi,

I have not skied more than 15 days in a winter since my ski bumming days 30 years ago and the last few seasons have seen totals like 5 and 8 days. My goal this winter was to hit 25 an I ended up with 33! I had also been overweight and out of shape and I managed to lose 30 lbs and greatly increase my fitness level.

Took an early season weekend with my son and nephew to Sugarbush and Jay. Not a ton open but enough to have fun and we had Jay's waterpark pretty much to ourselves.

Then a post Xmas trip to Smuggs, Quebec, Jay, skied 5 days out of 7 and 3 were powder. Face shots even at Smuggs! This was also the first ski trip my girlfriend and I took together and we had a great time!

Other highlights were 6 Days in Utah. We stayed in Ogden and other than a day at Alta and a day at Snowbasin we explored Powder Mtn for 4 days in a row. (they were getting 4-8" every day and no one else was really getting any.

Spent 4 days ripping MRG, Sugarbush and Stowe with a bunch of great skiers from Epicski forum... all mountains were 100% open.

Drove home to CT and then back up to southern VT with my son for a fresh 8-10" storm at an uncrowded Magic. Then stuck around for 2 sunny 50 degree days at Okemo and Killington.

Spent a weekend each at Burke and Sunape (2 firsts for me) and lucked out with 5-6" each trip. not a ton of pow but enough to make conditions a heck of a lot nicer than they were when we drove up.

Went to Big Sky and Moonlight basin in March with the gf's ski club and again we hit a snowy week. Plus we had slope side accommodations at Huntley's for a reasonable price with the group rates.

And that was it. After returning from Big Sky I was done with skiing and have been busy with work, working on my boat and mountain biking. Thinking about taking more time off next year and driving out west for a month.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2008
Lake Hopatcong, NJ and Granby Co
A very very good season for me even though I wouldn't rate it in my top 5. I could basically break the season into 3 parts.

Part 1 (the Pocono season) started pretty slow. Got on the snow December 1st when CBK opened with the Glen Lift servicing Oak Grove and Turkey Trot, got 10 runs in that day in the fog. While the beginning was slow the good snowmaking system scratched and clawed its way through the holiday season and was able to get the mountain fully open in early January. The boy's racing season started up the 2nd week of January leading to one of the funnest days of the season at of all places Wisp Maryland. A 55 degree mash potato bump day in January. Racing season also got me to Blue Mt for 2 days the beginning of February with their seeded bumps (always fun) and 3 days at Elk which was in terrific shape at the end of the month. In between trips the homestead (CBK)supplied some fun sliding. Wrapped up that part of the season with the ski team dinner the 1st weekend in March.

Part II (travel season) started with the boy qualifying for Eastern High School Championships in the last race at Elk. The races took place at Cannon the 2nd weekend of March so it was off to New Hampshire for 3 days. Racers had a practice day Friday so the wife and I and some other parents went over to Loon for a day and skied Cannon on Saturday and Sunday. Details can be found in the TR's I wrote on what a fantastic weekend it was. The following weekend we traveled to Vermont to see the daughter perform in a play at college. Of course we were not going to pass up skiing. Big thanks to Scotty and others on this board who posted the details of the Killington Spring Pass as it started that weekend. Hit Pico and Killington that weekend both with good conditions. The following Saturday boarded a Delta flight to Salt Lake for 7 days of skiing. First time in quite a few years that we hit no fresh snow while out there, still it was warm and we had an awesome time. Part II ended with a red eye flight home Easter morning getting to NJ in time to hit church and Easter meals with family.

Part III (Spring) Spring was spent at Killington with the Spring Pass. Had some great days and really appreciated Killington's management doing what they did. Really enjoy some of those runs off of K1 and Needles Eye. Ended the season on Cinco de Mayo with 10 runs on Superstar and Sky Lark both a sea of bumps and very warm weather. It was my 1st ever day in May.

Got somewhere in the area of 75-85 days this year. Only regrets were no powder days (over about 2") and would have liked to have seen more natural snowfall. (can't have everything) Those are the 2 categories that keep this past season out of my top 5.


Lake Hopatcong, NJ


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2010
Well, after the disaster that was last season, this one was friggin awesome! I had quite a few, right place at the right time moments. The best was the AZ Summit at da Loaf. 15" of fresh, and all the people on the coast were trapped. They were all there Sunday. Thank God for first tracks, thanks Nick. The mini Summit at Sugarbush was pretty sweet too, again we got some freshies, so much for the "AZ Summit Curse". Had an awesome day at tiny little Snow Ridge in North Central NY, we got there an hour early and just admired the foot of fresh blanketing the mountain. Rambo, I, and the other twenty people there had a blast, for $18 I think. Just stay away from the lasagna, sorry Rambo, it sounded good, hey what'd ya want for $4.95? Got to ski Gore four times this year, I missed that place, and the new terrain there is awesome. I had a great late Spring too, three days at Killington, one at Sugarbush. Sorry I didn't pull the trigger and hit it last Sunday.

I met and skied with quite a few AZer's this year too, Jaytrem, Xwhaler, Vinnyv11, Spring_Mountain_High, Ski3PO, Huck_It_Baby, Marcski, and of course Scotty! Everyone was great, it was a pleasure skiing with all of you.


Active member
Nov 7, 2012
CS, Colorado
Well I have to rate our season as A+! Reason - we skied 38 days at 18 different ski areas!

Our season actually starts now in the following fashion:

- summer is gear buying season (already scored boots and have identified other gear for everyone in the fam - wait for the deal)
- search for BOGO deals starting in August (killington being one of them)
- hope for snow
- we go to a couple ski movie events TGR (comp to Sunday River) and Warren Miller (four BOGO deals per ticket)
- wait for snow
- get our Ride and ski cards (three of them - lots of BOGOs)
- still wait for snow
- get gear tuned
- ski Killington opening weekend
- attend the Boston Ski and Snowboard Show - goal being comps, BOGOs and other deals! we also help Ride and Ski at their booths
- check out other ski marketing events in Boston
- based on deals plot out the season (may seemd a little contrived but keeps costs down)
- start skiing in November and hope to end in May

Lo-lights (nothing real bad)

- skiing at Waterville (early season) after a refreeze (skiing on golf balls), but made it interesting
- skiing at Attitash (spring) after a refreeze ungroomed trails were ice and the summit chair was painfully slow
- skiing at Saddleback after a refreeze shut down all of the best skiing and it was the coldest day which would be
fine but Rangley Double is so slow that you could never lap fast enought to warm up! The ride there was interesting to say the least.


- skiing at Jay Peak on two powder days with one of them being for Hope on the Slopes (American Cancer Society)
- skiing at Burke on a powder day that got deeper as the day progressed
- skiing at Killington for the start and the end of the season (bookends) great spring bumps
- skiing Waterville during Christmas vacation and poaching trails that had 1-2 feet of powder (WHY WERE THEY CLOSED)
- skiing Sunday River the day before Christmast Eve on a comp great cruising conditions
- skiing Saddleback and Crotched (240 miles apart) on the sameday then headed to a Superbowl Party that evening
- skiing all the Ride and Ski tour stops (BOGO central) plus great apres ski parties
- skiing bumps with my wife (she never skied bumps so I lured her there and she did great)
- skiing for free at Sugarbush 3 times and experiencing spring in winter (January) last trip there was their last day
- skiing Mount Snow after not having skied there for 30 years
- skiing Waterville at the end of March and experiencing blizzard like conditions
- skiing for free all season (my son got a fifth grade passport for VT and NH loaded with comps)
- skiing with my wife and kids!

There are way more hi-lights, but gotta end somewhere!

Just cannot wait for the 2013-2014 ski season!


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
Middletown NY
A very very good season for me even though I wouldn't rate it in my top 5. I could basically break the season into 3 parts.

Part 1 (the Pocono season) started pretty slow. Got on the snow December 1st when CBK opened with the Glen Lift servicing Oak Grove and Turkey Trot, got 10 runs in that day in the fog. While the beginning was slow the good snowmaking system scratched and clawed its way through the holiday season and was able to get the mountain fully open in early January. The boy's racing season started up the 2nd week of January leading to one of the funnest days of the season at of all places Wisp Maryland. A 55 degree mash potato bump day in January. Racing season also got me to Blue Mt for 2 days the beginning of February with their seeded bumps (always fun) and 3 days at Elk which was in terrific shape at the end of the month. In between trips the homestead (CBK)supplied some fun sliding. Wrapped up that part of the season with the ski team dinner the 1st weekend in March.

Part II (travel season) started with the boy qualifying for Eastern High School Championships in the last race at Elk. The races took place at Cannon the 2nd weekend of March so it was off to New Hampshire for 3 days. Racers had a practice day Friday so the wife and I and some other parents went over to Loon for a day and skied Cannon on Saturday and Sunday. Details can be found in the TR's I wrote on what a fantastic weekend it was. The following weekend we traveled to Vermont to see the daughter perform in a play at college. Of course we were not going to pass up skiing. Big thanks to Scotty and others on this board who posted the details of the Killington Spring Pass as it started that weekend. Hit Pico and Killington that weekend both with good conditions. The following Saturday boarded a Delta flight to Salt Lake for 7 days of skiing. First time in quite a few years that we hit no fresh snow while out there, still it was warm and we had an awesome time. Part II ended with a red eye flight home Easter morning getting to NJ in time to hit church and Easter meals with family.

Part III (Spring) Spring was spent at Killington with the Spring Pass. Had some great days and really appreciated Killington's management doing what they did. Really enjoy some of those runs off of K1 and Needles Eye. Ended the season on Cinco de Mayo with 10 runs on Superstar and Sky Lark both a sea of bumps and very warm weather. It was my 1st ever day in May.

Got somewhere in the area of 75-85 days this year. Only regrets were no powder days (over about 2") and would have liked to have seen more natural snowfall. (can't have everything) Those are the 2 categories that keep this past season out of my top 5.


Lake Hopatcong, NJ

I'm glad to be of service lol hope to get up to K next winter several times.


Active member
Jul 25, 2007
My season was largely centered around getting my kids on skis... 7 and 4 year old. We had taken them each a bit over the past few years, but this season we really stepped up and they both really seemed to get the fever.

I only did 2 days on my own, but got about 15 in with the kids and it was awesome to see them improve, get into it, really seem to grow to love it etc etc.... and for that I'd give the season an A+


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Central Mass/Lakes Region NH
Solid B+ for us. Ski time = Family time for us and we had a great season on that front.

Passes at Gunstock again, definitely got our money's worth out of them. I had a mid week Wa Wa pass as well the paid for itself. Didn't count days but it was definitely over 30.
We did not put the kids in a ski program this season with the hopes of taking more road trips, so we skied/rode as a family all season with the exception being when one of our girls decided she wanted to snowboard. The private lessons were WELL worth the money, she picked it up quickly after 2-3. After that we skied in the AM most days then her and I switched to boards after lunch, glad we got a second locker having to store 4 pairs of skis and 2 boards was like doing a puzzle at the end of the day!!
It was nice to get in the woods again after last season, the girls didn't miss a beat and neither did the wife.

I got to hit a few Mountains with friends, Stratton & Attitash which was nice. We road tripped to Okemo as a family to preview it and had a great weekend.

No injuries thankfully, other than my daughters pride when she realized it was going to take some time to pick up boarding.

I say B+ not A because we didn't do as many road trips as a family as we wanted to and we didn't get to hook up with 2 families we try to ski with every year due to conflicting schedules and sickness which bummed us out. We also faced ongoing struggles with the house in NH which isn't really a 4 season house but we make it work, those battles and the fact that we outgrew Gunstock made us decide to do a slopside seasonal rental at Okemo next season after our preview trip which we are looking forward to.


Active member
Nov 18, 2008
Bad season for me. Early in the season I lost my balance off a little jump, landed hard, and this somehow ripped a bunch of ligaments and muscle tissue around my tailbone and lower back. Yup, just snapped stuff like I was put together with old rubber bands. Funny thing about the tailbone is you don't even realize you have one until you injure it, then you find out it's pretty important every time you sit down. So my season was done and five months later it's still sore, but improving very, very, very slowly. So I'm just hoping I'll be back out there next season.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2011
Middletown NY
Okay it was very very good. I waited for snow to fall. Went to Plattty x mas day, good day kind of tired but still good day. Went to Elk nice 1000 vertical hill in Pa for my first time in Pennsylvania since I was a child, definitely recommend it for PA hill good snow making and grooming and some nice bump runs for sure. Hit platty several times and seen more people in lodge then ever before but this is a good thing. Meet few other A zoners this year and that was very cool. Then Sugarbush mini A zone trip what can I say but for me best skiing of past winter snow and snow and more snow and skiing side country was awesome. Also a nice trip to MT snow and a few nice trips to Gore which is a great hill with some sweet gladed trails for those who don't know it really beats all of south Vermont resorts. Great ski season hope to be in better shape for the next one.


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Bad season for me. Early in the season I lost my balance off a little jump, landed hard, and this somehow ripped a bunch of ligaments and muscle tissue around my tailbone and lower back. Yup, just snapped stuff like I was put together with old rubber bands. Funny thing about the tailbone is you don't even realize you have one until you injure it, then you find out it's pretty important every time you sit down. So my season was done and five months later it's still sore, but improving very, very, very slowly. So I'm just hoping I'll be back out there next season.


Hope your heal fully for next year. Nothing worse than having a ski season derailed due to injury.


New member
Mar 29, 2012
Syracuse, NY
My season went very fast. I normally avg 40 times out. This year was 34. But its how fast it went by that marks this year for me. We didnt get snow locally here until the mid part of December. Next thing you know its end of January and then the end of February for the meet. It just flew by....I will say this, snow quality was awesome every time I went. No ice, lots of powder, good times, great people....

I would say this last vid we shot in March pretty much sums up my season...



New member
Oct 26, 2006
Waterbury, VT
I’m still putting together our full season recap, but we recently finished compiling our 2012-2013 Bolton Valley Photo Gallery, so I figured I’d pass that along for now since it’s at least a pictorial view of how the season went down at Bolton Valley. Snowfall was definitely well on the lean side this season at just 78.5% of average (245”), but it was certainly a step in the right direction relative to 2011-2012 and still meant that there was plenty of powder to keep things feeling like the Northern Greens. I’ve added a link and a few images below:





