Sick Bird Rider
Let me see if I can put these ideas into pictures...
Rename/Market the "Pod" as 1480' vert "Ullrs Bowl". The lift line as oriented would use JFK as part of its liftline and only clip the very lowest section of Everglade (maybe take Alligator Alley off the map completely, plant some trees and reconnect the top section of Everglade?). Dogpatch would be spared .
The bottom of the lift would be a short flat from the West Bowl base area. Adding this lift would likely require some rethinking of the real estate/building layout slated for development in that area.
"Improving" Northwest Passage to allow direct access from the top of the shortened Flyer would be recommended.
Pay for the Ullr's Bowl lift by only having one lift to the top of Doll Peak. Move the second lift into Ullrs Bowl.
This is awesome. Clearly there could a run connecting the West Bowl to the new NEK Express lift on Ullr's Bowl. Then folks could get back to Tramside or Stateside by taking one lift.