I am noticing a lot more helmets on the mountain this year. I am against forcing folks to wear a helmet. I am all for less Government and pro personal choice. That said, I think its a good idea to wear them. I still enjoy spring skiing without a helmet but I think for me this is about helmet fit more than anything. My Giro Fuse helmet fits great with a BALACLAVA. Unfortunately a BALACLAVA is to warm for spring skiing. I saw a helmet that has a size adjustment that will tighten up the helmet when not wearing a BALACLAVA. I believe its the Giro G10. Anyway I got to do some more Helmet shopping.All this being said... I'm noticing a lot more helmetless heads this year...
I still respect people that ski and ride without a helmet. Its their choice. If you hit a person without a helmet and hurt them, then its your fault and you should pay for their $10,000+ helicopter ride.
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