Sweet..Glad u guys got it done..Car trouble ended by bid to hunter....Insane day today. We left Thomaston, CT at about 5:15 and opted to head over to New York via 84. It dropped down to 29 this morning and I thought the wet roads up on 7 and 23 might freeze up. Our decision turned out to be the epic fail of all time.
All was fine until about 6:30 when we hit an area on 84 right before the Taconic with heavy snow. Within a few miles we were stopped. It turns out the highway was shut down. We were there for four effin' hours, almost suicidal thinking about the powder day we were missing up at Hunter. Eventually, the cars were able to navigate the endless stream of tractor trailers with the help of "toothless bitches" (inside joke). Anyway, we got to the Taconic about 10:30 and we decided to beeline it to Hunter. That southern stretch of the Taconic was nuts - trees laiden with snow hanging over the road and whatnot. Eventually the road cleared and we were able to do 70. Nobody was out.
Got to the Rip Van Winkle and the roads were basically almost dry. In fact not a lot of snow all the way to the bottom of the mountain road. Then we estimated 8", then 12", then we started estimating in feet. The Tannersville/Hunter area is absolutely choked with snow. Got to the mountain and struggled for a parking space. The 2 hour ride took us seven today! :-o
Anyway, got booted, choked down some burgers and hit the line for the quad. On the ride up, a guy told us West Side was closed. We were majorly bummed. Then at the summit we noticed a small crowd of 60 or so people waiting for the West side to open. Within 7 or 8 minutes the roped dropped! So we beelined Claire's. Hit the upper section of that and then cut over to 44. Insanity! Feet and feet and feet of snow. Lots of untracked. Dense snow, but very skiable. Spent the rest of the afternoon on the West side. We lost Grassi on the first run. He was trying to find some deep powder skiing skills. It was dumping on and off all afternoon
Brian and I hit 44 X2, Annapurna X2 and Claire's once. Z lift line was nuts most of the afternoon with almost 30 minute waits, but we felt satisfied with the skiing we got in. Hit Cliff to Racer's to finish the day. Truly epic. I'm thinking about heading back early next week after the weekend crowd leaves and bumps the place up. There will be no icy troughs for a long long time. there's a ton of natty base there.
So a day that started horribly turned into and epic treat. Ride home was smooth and quick. Got some video I'll try to throw up later. Awesome day, even though it was a bit short.