While out and about during the crunchies last week, where the mountains where all fairly crusty, I noticed I was having a fairly large problem with my inside ski during turns. It's not pronounced in better powder, because with a little depth it doesn't seem to be a problem. After noticing this, I spent a bit of time looking at my turns in general, and I noticed during turns I'm really kicking the outside ski out, and sliding a good deal thru my turns.
Am I relying on my outside ski too much? It almost felt on the crust that the inside ski was just dragging along for the ride, but when I tried to put a little pressure on it during turns, things just 'felt wrong', like I was using much more effort then normal with my waist. I know the best answer is to get a lesson and have someone watch me, but I wasn't sure if any of this may scream 'he's doing it all wrong!' to someone. In powder it's never been a problem. Could it be I've got my boots set too lose, and I'm not gripping in with an edge well?
Am I relying on my outside ski too much? It almost felt on the crust that the inside ski was just dragging along for the ride, but when I tried to put a little pressure on it during turns, things just 'felt wrong', like I was using much more effort then normal with my waist. I know the best answer is to get a lesson and have someone watch me, but I wasn't sure if any of this may scream 'he's doing it all wrong!' to someone. In powder it's never been a problem. Could it be I've got my boots set too lose, and I'm not gripping in with an edge well?