New member
OK. here's the list I have so far.
Anything missing?
Looks like VT wins for the largest number!
I want to break it into three lists, green, blue and black, so please respond with the rated level for each trail. Once I have it all, I'll put it up for a vote!
NY Hunter Annapurna --- black (double)
VT Killington Catwalk --- black
VT Killington Roundabout --- black
VT MRG Fall Line --- black
VT MRG Lower Antelope --- black (once was a blue)
VT MRG Upper/Lower Antelope --- upper=blue, lower=black (see above)
VT Stowe Bruce --- not an official resort trail; a well-known back-country trail
VT Stowe Goat --- black (double)
VT Stowe Starr --- black (double)
VT Stowe Toll Road --- green
VT Sugarbush Castlerock, all --- Rumble=black (double), Liftline=black (double), Castlerock Run=black, Middle Earth=black, Cotillion=black, Troll Road=blue
VT Sugarbush Hammerhead --- black
VT Sugarbush Jester --- blue
VT Sugarbush Moonshine --- blue
VT sugarbush Paradise --- black (double)
VT Sugarbush Rumble --- black (double)
VT Sugarbush Tumbler --- black
VT Sugarbush Twist --- black