Thanks, but, as you might have guessed, I have an issue with your last sentence....
I don't see why A-Rod would be the "bad guy" for negotiating for extra money. He has a right in his contract to opt out and become a free agent, which he earned and he'd be pretty crazy not to exercise. The Yanks could (and should) decide to extend him to prevent the opt out (thereby saving the $24-30 million (I can't remember how much) the Rangers are paying the Yankees the next 3 years for A-Rod to play in the Bronx).
Maybe we should blame the Cubs and Astros for giving hundreds of millions to Soriano and Carlos Lee, who are obviously not the caliber of player as A-Rod. They set the market, and I'm sure another club would gladly pay A-Rod what he's "worth".
It's not A-Rod's fault he's so good, and that teams are willing to pay him. You can't blame A-Rod for that. The market is what the market is. Why should A-Rod take less money just so that the team's owner can make some EXTRA profits?
(You'll remember, though, from a previous rant, that I'm not a fan of opt out clauses....)
My use of the term "hold up" created a negative that I should have gathered you might object to. That was not my point. He's going to opt out at the end of the season, the same time they have to think about re-signing Rivera and Posada; plus they'll have to consider Jeter too. I know you'll disagree to a point, but Jeter is the team captain and Mr Yankee and has 4 championships to his name. He will command the same pay A-rod gets.
I'm not so sure there are alot of teams out there "gladly" able to pay him what he thinks he is worth. I can only think of a few. But I've said before that the A-rod type player will eventually price himself out of a competitive market only to see owners tripping over themselves to throw money at them. Owners are idiots when it comes to their sports team toys.
So he probably will get $30 mil a year from the Yanks. And so will Jeter, and Posada and Rivera will clean up too.
And then you and I will have to hear about how unfair the Yankee's $300 million payroll is.