New member
So, this lady walks into my office this morning, and it goes like this.....
I'm looking for an old house
-Anywhere in particular?
An old house, from 5 to 150 miles from here, maybe even Vermont. Anything in Massachusetts?
-We only do NH, but I will search for homes if you'd like.
If you'd like? I don't trust REALTORS, they lie
-Okay, I can search but there will be many properties, what is you price range?
Price range? 100K-400K
-I see that in Grafton County alone, there's 540 properties for sale in that price range. Now I will have to search property by property to see what year they were built.
How about here in Lincoln? We're in Lincoln right? *no sh%t she said that.. and for the record I knew this was going no where!*
-Here's a house that was built in 1941..
No, no, I said between 1900 and 1920! ----she said no such thing
-Well, how about this, let me give you a website that is very easy to navigate. You can go town by town, enter a price range and the like. I'll write on the back of my card, and if you find something that you like, I will be happy to assist you.
Well thank for the website, but I'll probably use someone else.
-Okay, bye!
She leaves....... and comes right back in says, are these your car keys?
-Yes they are
Why do I have them?
-No idea, take care
You never know who will walk in!
I'm looking for an old house
-Anywhere in particular?
An old house, from 5 to 150 miles from here, maybe even Vermont. Anything in Massachusetts?
-We only do NH, but I will search for homes if you'd like.
If you'd like? I don't trust REALTORS, they lie
-Okay, I can search but there will be many properties, what is you price range?
Price range? 100K-400K
-I see that in Grafton County alone, there's 540 properties for sale in that price range. Now I will have to search property by property to see what year they were built.
How about here in Lincoln? We're in Lincoln right? *no sh%t she said that.. and for the record I knew this was going no where!*
-Here's a house that was built in 1941..
No, no, I said between 1900 and 1920! ----she said no such thing
-Well, how about this, let me give you a website that is very easy to navigate. You can go town by town, enter a price range and the like. I'll write on the back of my card, and if you find something that you like, I will be happy to assist you.
Well thank for the website, but I'll probably use someone else.
-Okay, bye!
She leaves....... and comes right back in says, are these your car keys?
-Yes they are
Why do I have them?
-No idea, take care
You never know who will walk in!