Date Skied: 2/11/06, 8:45am to 2:00pm
Conditions: machine made snow, hard pack snow, some icy patches, Sunny 10 to 25 degrees.
Trip Report:
I was skiing solo today and wanted to do something different other than the other two VT ASC areas or Butternut. I did not realize how quick it was to get to the Skyeship at Killington. I passed it and I was on the road just 2 hours and 10 minutes. I pulled in to Pico about 10 minutes later, found a spot in the nearly full lot, booted up and headed for the "Golden" HSQ Quad. With all of the cars, I was expecting a long lift line, but there was not.
I did not bring a map and realized that to get to the summit, I had to go to another the other HSQ quad (Summit Express). I skied up to the corral and there was about 10 people. The trail underneath it had what looked like fresh snow, which it was thanks to the snowmaking. Unfortunately it was closed. There was a set of fresh tracks going down it and by the time I left this "peak" at 1:00pm, there were about 5 more sets. The entire time I was here I saw the Golden HSQ’s chairs full of people, but most people must not go to the summit as they were not going to this lift.
The view was incredible from the summit! I saw Killington as I exited the Summit Express. They were blowing snow. I think I saw Bear Mountain (Roundtop) and possibly Okemo. I did bring a camera but it stayed in the car. I took a few pics from the lot before I left.
I hit the Upper / Lower Sunset 71 and Forty Niner. Going left from the HSQ (the only way down) it seems like you have several tree islands. The upper part of Sunset 71 had some icy spots, loose snow and piles of man made snow that seemed to make my skis slow down when I hit it. The lower part of Sunset was much better. I made several runs down form the summit on the above trails. Later in the morning a double diamond trail opened up . I think it was the "KA" trail. I did not do it.
Around 1pm I wanted to try the Slope A & B on little Pico. As I skied to the triple lift I saw the sign "Lift Closed, Racers Only". I took the other triple (Knomes Knoll) which had a sign saying something about being the first triple installed in the US or Eastern US in 1978 by Hall. This lift did not go up very far. I was thinking this was the Outpost lift, which is actually a double and was closed that serves some harder terrain. I made my 2 HSQ lift rides back to the summit to do some more runs and then left at 2pm.
Many people who I rode the lift with said that Pico was crowded today. I thought it was dead. I had a great time with the open terrain today. I will go back. Am I going to buy another ASC pass? YES
Looking up at the summit. The trail that ran under the Summit HSQ was closed. The two trails on the left are the Fortyniner, Sunset 71 and the one closest to the lift was KA.
This is "Little Pico" served by a triple. This is the lift you take for the Alpine Slide in the summer.
The trail are served by the Knomes Knoll triple. Look above the white Jeep Cherokee.
Date Skied: 2/11/06, 8:45am to 2:00pm
Conditions: machine made snow, hard pack snow, some icy patches, Sunny 10 to 25 degrees.
Trip Report:
I was skiing solo today and wanted to do something different other than the other two VT ASC areas or Butternut. I did not realize how quick it was to get to the Skyeship at Killington. I passed it and I was on the road just 2 hours and 10 minutes. I pulled in to Pico about 10 minutes later, found a spot in the nearly full lot, booted up and headed for the "Golden" HSQ Quad. With all of the cars, I was expecting a long lift line, but there was not.
I did not bring a map and realized that to get to the summit, I had to go to another the other HSQ quad (Summit Express). I skied up to the corral and there was about 10 people. The trail underneath it had what looked like fresh snow, which it was thanks to the snowmaking. Unfortunately it was closed. There was a set of fresh tracks going down it and by the time I left this "peak" at 1:00pm, there were about 5 more sets. The entire time I was here I saw the Golden HSQ’s chairs full of people, but most people must not go to the summit as they were not going to this lift.
The view was incredible from the summit! I saw Killington as I exited the Summit Express. They were blowing snow. I think I saw Bear Mountain (Roundtop) and possibly Okemo. I did bring a camera but it stayed in the car. I took a few pics from the lot before I left.
I hit the Upper / Lower Sunset 71 and Forty Niner. Going left from the HSQ (the only way down) it seems like you have several tree islands. The upper part of Sunset 71 had some icy spots, loose snow and piles of man made snow that seemed to make my skis slow down when I hit it. The lower part of Sunset was much better. I made several runs down form the summit on the above trails. Later in the morning a double diamond trail opened up . I think it was the "KA" trail. I did not do it.
Around 1pm I wanted to try the Slope A & B on little Pico. As I skied to the triple lift I saw the sign "Lift Closed, Racers Only". I took the other triple (Knomes Knoll) which had a sign saying something about being the first triple installed in the US or Eastern US in 1978 by Hall. This lift did not go up very far. I was thinking this was the Outpost lift, which is actually a double and was closed that serves some harder terrain. I made my 2 HSQ lift rides back to the summit to do some more runs and then left at 2pm.
Many people who I rode the lift with said that Pico was crowded today. I thought it was dead. I had a great time with the open terrain today. I will go back. Am I going to buy another ASC pass? YES
Looking up at the summit. The trail that ran under the Summit HSQ was closed. The two trails on the left are the Fortyniner, Sunset 71 and the one closest to the lift was KA.
This is "Little Pico" served by a triple. This is the lift you take for the Alpine Slide in the summer.
The trail are served by the Knomes Knoll triple. Look above the white Jeep Cherokee.