Uhhh....I did it last winter.....without touching credit or my savings and I was getting $373 a week, chose not to have them tax it. So it most certainly can be done. Just gotta know how to live on the cheap.
Oh and do your own tuning or go without,
How much was your rent? Did you buy your pass while you were still working or pay for it out of unemployment?
Yes, you can ski bum it for darn cheap if you work it right. I'm guessing my total take home income when I dropped out of college and did it in 1995 was $250 per week......but, I worked my butt off the previous summer and with five other guys rented an A frame house with 3 bedrooms the size of closets for two people each. It was paid for for the entire season in advance.
For 99% of people though, living and skiing off unemployment without touching savings isn't gonna happen.
To make a statement that ski areas will be busier because more people will be collecting unemployment and have extra free time is down right nonsense.