If you only go there once or twice a year and you are lucky or if you're the kind of skier that does one run, takes a selfie and heads for the bar, maybe. Or if you ski with rose-colored ski goggles ...
If you are at least a mid-level skier who goes there regularly, your skiing will be affected most of the time. Any time NRX is out or struggling, which happens all the time, your skiing is seriously impacted. Summit doesn't have the speed and capacity to make up for it. Any time GMX is out or struggling, the whole mountain suffers, because Inverness doesn't have the capacity and speed to deal with a weekend crowd. Plus, if NRX also struggles, you can't access anything else, because you can't make it to Summit. Then, when Inverness also goes out, everything stops. Having only Inverness closed is manageable, but still pisses me, because I love those trails and glades over there.
Anyway, no point throwing insults at each other and calling the other clueless. You're happy, you stay. I'm leaving at the end of the season taking my family, and judging from the mood on the lift, a lot of people are thinking the same. It's also going to get worse before it hopefully improves. They're not going to invest in NRX since it's going to be replaced, so it will get progressively worse for the next 2-3 (?) seasons. For the other lifts, they don't even have a plan. It's a shame, it's a special mountain but the experience is ruined by incompetence/lack of funding and most annoyingly, lack of transparency.
I've skied many days and average about 25K vertical per day at ME. Certainly not 1 run and head to the bar (actually don't think I've ever had a single drink at any bars at ME). I doubt I'm just "lucky". I'd say about 30-40% of my mid-season days are at ME. And I regularly put in 40+ days a year at Sugarbush in general. You do the math...
And I once again completely disagree about this being an incompetence or lack of funding issue. Some other posts have already addressed this point, so I won't re-state the same things that have already been said.
I think all this negative publicity is great. Maybe the numbers will go down. This is great considering the lifts have not been a problem for me all year. I must have good Karma. LOL
Me and you both LOL!