I think that the faithful and the volunteers would disagree with you on that one. Pretty sure that the Volunteer Days would constitute some form of a charity.
No matter what, I always like to throw out some posts that come from a business owner's perspective. What I have found in this thread, as well as numerous other threads, are posters overall disconnect between the "mountain" and what operates the "Ski Resort" I do not look at them as two separate entities, but most people on here do. Its as if, because its a mountain there is a certain right to ski it and belief that patrons have a say in how it is operated as a resort. That is the nice thing about capitalism and freedom in this country, if you don't like it, take your dollars elsewhere. Instead, what I see on here and FB is the typical beaten puppy syndrome. Keep getting hit with the newspaper and still comeback and lick the owners hand.
No one that gives a shit about the mountain wants it to end up on NELSAP. Anyone with 1/2 of an ounce of business sense (or common sense for that matter) can see that that's where this ship is headed under current mgmt. I agree with you on the capitalism bit- I'd rather not take my dollars elsewhere. But I certainly will if they charge too much. And I've simply asked them privately and publicly how much they will be charging this weekend. I've gotten no response, or even an acknowledgement of the question. That's unprofessional in any business.