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Just thought Id throw this out there as I feel like alot of people shun us youngun's and our freestyle ways. I dont want this to turn into a flame war so lets keep things civil. These are just my thoughts and Im interested to hear yours.
I dont understand why alot of people have so much animosity towards the freestyle progression of the sport of snowboarding and skiing respectively. I feel like this is extremely noticable in the snowbaording world. I myself am more freeride oriented, yet even when Im rocking carves down skyward at Whiteface, I occasionally get the type who just hates on boarders, or just tells me to hang in the park where I belong. Yet ski racer brats seem to have a free pass everytime they cut someone off or pull some stupid move on the hill. The argument that snowboarding also is detrimental to snow conditions is pretty bogus as well I feel, as I see just as many if not more skiers snowplowing down the mt as well in their pizzas, doing just as much damage to the snow.
In reality, freestyle has brought alot to the world of skiing. Id like to see where ski technology would be today if it werent for the development of snowboarding. Where would your shaped and fat skis be? Im not so sure itd be the same. Also, you cant argue that the freestyle industry has brought the sport of skiing and riding into the main stream. While this may result in more people on the hill at times, more people on the hill means more money, more money = more improvements, more improvements = more pleasure on the hill. I find it perplexing when places like Whiteface advertise themselves as a world cup caliber mt, spend hundreds of thousands building an olympic caliber pipe, that the majority or their clientel will never even see or use. Gore has gotten rid of their pipe completely, and some mts other terrain features are lacking .While Ive never been a park rat, there are ALOT of people who are. Take a place like Waterville for example, there is a place that knows how to handle things. Their park and the respective people who usually ride there are really good, yet do little to undermine the rest of the mt. Why more places have yet to grasp the freestyle community is beyond me.
Lets hear your thoughts, but please keep this civil, I just want to stimulate discussion.
I dont understand why alot of people have so much animosity towards the freestyle progression of the sport of snowboarding and skiing respectively. I feel like this is extremely noticable in the snowbaording world. I myself am more freeride oriented, yet even when Im rocking carves down skyward at Whiteface, I occasionally get the type who just hates on boarders, or just tells me to hang in the park where I belong. Yet ski racer brats seem to have a free pass everytime they cut someone off or pull some stupid move on the hill. The argument that snowboarding also is detrimental to snow conditions is pretty bogus as well I feel, as I see just as many if not more skiers snowplowing down the mt as well in their pizzas, doing just as much damage to the snow.
In reality, freestyle has brought alot to the world of skiing. Id like to see where ski technology would be today if it werent for the development of snowboarding. Where would your shaped and fat skis be? Im not so sure itd be the same. Also, you cant argue that the freestyle industry has brought the sport of skiing and riding into the main stream. While this may result in more people on the hill at times, more people on the hill means more money, more money = more improvements, more improvements = more pleasure on the hill. I find it perplexing when places like Whiteface advertise themselves as a world cup caliber mt, spend hundreds of thousands building an olympic caliber pipe, that the majority or their clientel will never even see or use. Gore has gotten rid of their pipe completely, and some mts other terrain features are lacking .While Ive never been a park rat, there are ALOT of people who are. Take a place like Waterville for example, there is a place that knows how to handle things. Their park and the respective people who usually ride there are really good, yet do little to undermine the rest of the mt. Why more places have yet to grasp the freestyle community is beyond me.
Lets hear your thoughts, but please keep this civil, I just want to stimulate discussion.