Puck it
Well-known member
95% of the scientists agree but we are never told on what. People need to read and listen to RichardEven if you believe in Global Warming, there is no real world evidence of "potentially devastating consequences for skiers".
Disregarding the fact that the infallible Climate Change scientists have been shown to repeatedly overstate the potential warming (unintentionally AND intentionally) that they claim should be occurring over time, the reality is you're currently looking at VERY small changes in temperature. At some point.......it's going to happen.......surely.....people are going to start to question how completely unreliable the Climate Change scientists models are, and why they haven't been right. I have no other example I can give you for a hypothesis that is seemingly broken or at very least deeply flawed, yet is allowed to "simmer" in a purgatory of acceptance while we wait for it to be "correct again" at some point in the future.