Redo Westway so they can actually open it with the snow they make. Maybe cut an easier trail on the west side so more people will ski there to justify opening the lift and rest of the trail there. I don't think anybody ever use the Z lift so they can ski Way In/Way Out. Also, extend the F-lift to the base and turn it into a high speed one. That was my go-to lift on weekends, but its mid station and speed doesn't attract enough skiers, and that low volume doesn't justify detachable chairs, unless it is extended to the base. Maybe extend the D lift somewhat and cut some trails so that one can cross over to the north side. The frequent shutdown the Flyer due to wind leave everyone stuck on the main mountain's lower trails.Hunter North including Hunters second six-pack opened 3 seasons ago. Suspect it will be awhile before we see any additional upgrades from Vail. What would you like to see ? D, E, F and H lifts are pretty old.