Can VT skiing recover if the weather gets colder?
Yesterday in southern VT, Stratton skiing was TERRIBLE. Slush, bald spots, etc. ...BUT if the temperature DOES DROP, and the snow machine stuff does stay put (doubt it will actually snow), any chance the mountain can recover enough to leave us with a few more days of skiing, or is this the end?
We usually ski at Tremblant, and the base is much deeper to begin with… so even a few slushing days does not mean it's over.
Some people in VT have told us to forget Stratton because the base was too shallow all season, not enough snow, and now it's gone.
Others have said we just need some colder temps.
Can VT skiing recover if the weather gets colder?
Yesterday in southern VT, Stratton skiing was TERRIBLE. Slush, bald spots, etc. ...BUT if the temperature DOES DROP, and the snow machine stuff does stay put (doubt it will actually snow), any chance the mountain can recover enough to leave us with a few more days of skiing, or is this the end?
We usually ski at Tremblant, and the base is much deeper to begin with… so even a few slushing days does not mean it's over.
Some people in VT have told us to forget Stratton because the base was too shallow all season, not enough snow, and now it's gone.
Others have said we just need some colder temps.