New member
Date(s) Skied: 2/7/2010
Resort or Ski Area: Blue(bird) Mountain
Conditions: Bluebird Day at Blue
Trip Report: Day 22. Bluebird day at Blue the True Mountain. I was the 2nd person scanned in and made 1st chair with Toast and AtomicSkier. Every trail was great except for Switchback. Dreamweaver was fantastic. Razor's was fantastic. Crowds built up super quick! The 6 pack needed a liftie before 9AM
. Just ripping arc after arc today, effortlessly. Crowds were the most I've ever seen at Blue. They are having a fantastic day sales wise. I left a little before 11 after 16 runs. I wanted to stay for more, the conditions were prime...
AtomicSkier, NS-Jay, Toast
GSS found a pow stash
Bumps on Challenge
Bumps on Nightmare
Liftline around 10AM
Razor's Edge
Full House
Resort or Ski Area: Blue(bird) Mountain
Conditions: Bluebird Day at Blue
Trip Report: Day 22. Bluebird day at Blue the True Mountain. I was the 2nd person scanned in and made 1st chair with Toast and AtomicSkier. Every trail was great except for Switchback. Dreamweaver was fantastic. Razor's was fantastic. Crowds built up super quick! The 6 pack needed a liftie before 9AM

AtomicSkier, NS-Jay, Toast

GSS found a pow stash

Bumps on Challenge

Bumps on Nightmare

Liftline around 10AM

Razor's Edge

Full House