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If you are putting. 3k RPM against a manual or auto it slows down the same all things being equal. Down shift with a manual in shit conditions and you loose more control than a soccor mom jumping on the breaks and using the ABS.
I've always driven an auto but I'm lazy and it's easier to smoke and drive without having to shift gears. I do however know when to downshift in shitty conditions apparently some people don't. The greatest thing I ever saw was one day when it was snowing and I was going up the hill. There was this Benz coming down the hill and every couple of seconds it would start sliding and turning sideways then straighten out and repeat the whole sliding maneuver again. I said to my wife "look at this idiot keep hitting the brakes instead of downshifting."
There was a huge line of cars behind her too, I can only imagine the snail like speed she must have been driving on the level part of the road. I would have been crazy if I was right behind her going down that hill.