Active member
Route 1 puts you on 93 before entering the city unless you are going to Charlestown, which is a minimal amount of people. Storrow I wouldn't call a highway.
I would agree with your idea about discouraging more vehicles if the T was more expansive and reliable.
And looking outside the city, 495 should have been expanded to 5 lanes some 20 years ago. It's supposed to be a circ highway to get you around the major congestion of the city. Now it's just as bad as 93 , 95 and 90.
Is what it is. Only have to deal with it for work a day or two per week. When I retire, I'll avoid going south of the NH border like the plague. Absolutely all set with Massachusetts.

Interstate 695 (Massachusetts) - Wikipedia
I bet you have never heard about the proposes I-695....