What worries me about $5 gasoline is that it has a broad effect on the economy as a whole. I can see folks thinking that it will curb driving and fuel consumption. And to a degree, that's probably true. But when $4 hit last summer, IMHO, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Your food prices went up, utilities went up, business went down(less travel less spending $$$) hell, ski boots went up due to the cost of plastics! Again, I see the thinking behind it, but it ends up having a great ripple effect.
Another thing I don't like about this law: Destroying the vehicles. I like vehicles and I consider myself a fairly practical guy. I have a problem "throwing out" (crushing) a vehicle that's in decent shape. To me, it just seems wasteful. It goes back to my 1st post in this thread about tearing down your house. Sure, a bunch of shitbox rust buckets will be taken off the road. But I have a feeling a lot of solid, decent cars will be scraped for the sake of saving some $ on a new car.
Another thing I don't like about this law: Destroying the vehicles. I like vehicles and I consider myself a fairly practical guy. I have a problem "throwing out" (crushing) a vehicle that's in decent shape. To me, it just seems wasteful. It goes back to my 1st post in this thread about tearing down your house. Sure, a bunch of shitbox rust buckets will be taken off the road. But I have a feeling a lot of solid, decent cars will be scraped for the sake of saving some $ on a new car.