It doesn't really make much sense unless they have A LOT of terrain to access. Otherwise a cat could do the job. It'd be much safer, and much, much cheaper. It's not really about getting up and down a particular mountain that makes the heli awesome, it's being able to access zones beyond where you can go with a cat. I agree there would be less environmental impact since you wouldn't have to cut cat roads but you'd still need landing areas. There aren't many mountains in the East where you couldn't take a cat, and even if you couldn't take a cat to the top, you could take it close enough that a short hike/climb would be all you'd need to summit. If this works at all it'll only be because there's enough rich people around here that don't find it cost prohibitive.
You would never ever see a snowcat on an above treeline slope like Saddleback has. With the AT going over it and all the environmentalists not thrilled with a ski area being there to begin with, it would never happen. Within announcement of plans for such an experience, the world's largest population of Bicknell's Thrush would migrate to the summit of Saddleback and stake claim to the land.
It absolutely does make more sense than a Helicopter.......but try explaining it to those mythical birds.