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Killington will Open Before Sunday River This Season


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Ok, just checked this using the opening-date-to-closing-date, which doesn't penalize SR for it's tendency to only open on weekends at first.
For 11/12, Killington was open 7 days longer, K from 10/29 to 4/22, SR from 10/29 to 4/15.
For 10/11, Sunday River was open 4 days longer, K from 11/2 to 5/1, SR from 10/22 to 4/24.
For 09/10, Sunday River was open 18 days longer, K from 11/7 to 4/25, SR form 10/14 to 4/19.
For 08/09, Killington was open 4 days longer, K from 11/2 to 5/2, SR from 10/31 to 4/26.
For 07/08, Sunday River was open 23 days longer, K from 11/16 to 4/20, SR from 10/31 to 4/27.
For 06/07, Sunday river was open 6 days longer, K from 11/23 to 5/6, SR from 11/10 to 4/29.

Unless I got some dates wrong (you can only trust the interweb so much...), I think this shows pretty conclusively that SR wins on this version of the season length metric.

The other factor being left out is how much terrain is open. My gut feel is that Killington usually has more terrain open than SR when temps stay low (and when there is natural snow, the difference is often dramatic--Sugarbush, Stowe, etc also beat SR), but that when temps are marginal or after thaw/freeze events, SR seems to stay ahead of Killington.

You're missing something. And it's obvious. Hopefully you will figure it out soon.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
NEK by Birth
Ok, just checked this using the opening-date-to-closing-date, which doesn't penalize SR for it's tendency to only open on weekends at first.
For 11/12, Killington was open 7 days longer, K from 10/29 to 4/22, SR from 10/29 to 4/15.
For 10/11, Sunday River was open 4 days longer, K from 11/2 to 5/1, SR from 10/22 to 4/24.
For 09/10, Sunday River was open 18 days longer, K from 11/7 to 4/25, SR form 10/14 to 4/19.
For 08/09, Killington was open 4 days longer, K from 11/2 to 5/2, SR from 10/31 to 4/26.
For 07/08, Sunday River was open 23 days longer, K from 11/16 to 4/20, SR from 10/31 to 4/27.
For 06/07, Sunday river was open 6 days longer, K from 11/23 to 5/6, SR from 11/10 to 4/29.

Unless I got some dates wrong (you can only trust the interweb so much...), I think this shows pretty conclusively that SR wins on this version of the season length metric.

The other factor being left out is how much terrain is open. My gut feel is that Killington usually has more terrain open than SR when temps stay low (and when there is natural snow, the difference is often dramatic--Sugarbush, Stowe, etc also beat SR), but that when temps are marginal or after thaw/freeze events, SR seems to stay ahead of Killington.

Wow. Thanks for finding that. Interesting. Guess that things have been like that for a while....


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Killington has better terrain? Other than that, I don't know--please enlighten me.

Let me do so. First, your whole premise is bogus. Length of season is about days open, not about opening day and closing day. Let me give you an obvious example. Ski area X decides to open only on Saturday. Why? Because they can and because it makes business sense. They open on Saturday, October 27 and close on Saturday, May 5. They are closed every day of the week except Saturday. A lot of AZers are super happy because they usually ski on Saturday.

Does ski area X have the longest season compared to the usual players? Yes. But only if you don't take the question seriously. A lot of people want to ski on days other than Saturday. So, it's ridiculous to think that they really have the longest season. After all, they were open 24 days. Other ski areas were open for more than 150 days.

People here claim that who cares that SR only opens during weekends early season? No one they say. After all, we all work. And if we all work we won't ski midweek. And even if we would take days off, we would do so mid season, not in October to ski a WROD. That's BS. You know why? Here's where I enlighten you. Many people in this country, world and universe ski midweek. And they like to ski midweek. Why? Because they are retired. Because they are college students. Because they are more successful than you - and me - and run their own business and take time off whenever they want. Because it's emptier. Because the best skiing anywhere is midweek. Because it's less crowded. Because it's cheaper. Do I need to give more reasons?

How many ski areas sell weekend only passes? Not many. How many sell midweek only passes? Most. Why? BECAUSE A LOT OF FREAKING PEOPLE SKI MIDWEEK. AND BECAUSE A LOT OF FREAKING PEOPLE VALUE SKIING MIDWEEK. So everyone stop with this BS about people wanting to ski weekends and not caring about skiing midweek early season because of X or Y. It might apply to you. It might apply to most people. It might apply to 70% of skiers. But you know what? The 20 or 30% who buy midweek passes, or who are retired, or who attend college, or who have unorthodox jobs beg to differ. And they do care about skiing midweek. Even in October or November. And SR "longest season" stat is a cheater stat. And everyone knows that. Do they often open first? Yup. Do they deserve props for that? Yup. Do they have a longer season than K? NO. Unless you are so shortsighted not to take into account that many people do value skiing midweek. Even in October. Even in November.

Finally - and perhaps more importantly - do you know why SR closes midweek in October/early November? It's not because of the business side if things. That's BS. They often open when many people think it makes no business sense. They close because they open with thin cover - much less than Kton - and they cannot sustain skier traffic during the course of a week before the cover melts to nothing. And you know what? That's OK. They're not Kton. They don't have the elevation advantage. They don't have the temps. They don't have the setup. So they do great with what they have. Kudos. Props. Fantastic.

But they suck when they close midweek because they paint their trails thin. Because people do want to ski midweek. And that's OK. But don't claim to have the longest season when you open a few days during October and early/mid November and close the rest of the time. It's laughable and pathetic. Kton used to have the earliest opening, the latest closing and the longest season. Now they are no longer clearly first. No longer clearly last to close. But evidently they still have the longest season. And anyone who says otherwise is having too much of whatever Scotty's having.

Oh....and second, yes, Kton does have better terrain than SR. But that goes without saying. Also better vertical, nightlife, close to civilization, more natural snowfall, better tree skiing, bump skiing, and I won't go on because it's humiliating.
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Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Let me do so. First, your whole premise is bogus. Length of season is about days open, not about opening day and closing day. Let me give you an obvious example.

I got this far, saw the wall of text and said no thanks. Not everyone agrees with you on your definition of longest season in the east skiersleft. Writing the skiing message board version of War and Peace isn't exactly a means to sway opinions.

Can we get an outline or at least some cliff notes regarding your winning opinion?
Mar 18, 2011
too close to NYC
I got this far, saw the wall of text and said no thanks. Not everyone agrees with you on your definition of longest season in the east skiersleft. Writing the skiing message board version of War and Peace isn't exactly a means to sway opinions.

Can we get an outline or at least some cliff notes regarding your winning opinion?
Read the whole thing. It is outstanding.


Staff member
Nov 12, 2010
Bradenton, FL
I got this far, saw the wall of text and said no thanks. Not everyone agrees with you on your definition of longest season in the east skiersleft. Writing the skiing message board version of War and Peace isn't exactly a means to sway opinions.

Can we get an outline or at least some cliff notes regarding your winning opinion?

It was actually a decent post but a TL;DR would be useful form the shorter attention span users :lol:

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


New member
Sep 14, 2004
In the end, it's all good. Two good areas that provide more ski days than most, honorable mention to Jay Peak.

Cliff Notes aka Words of Wisdom:
They're not Kton.

Kton does have better terrain than SR. But that goes without saying. Also better vertical, nightlife, close to civilization, more natural snowfall, better tree skiing, bump skiing, and I won't go on because it's humiliating.

And anyone who says otherwise is having too much of whatever Scotty's having. I'll have some of that please.


Oct 14, 2004
Canterbury NH, Bethel Me
Sr River closes mid week early season for Smart dollar reasons ,not because its a WROD.. No its not mid winter perfect, but every race team in the east has been there early season the last few years. They took advanctage of the early opening. Sr made money.

A couple of years ago they closed on a weekend due to it being thin. K had not opened yet period.
If there is no snow they will close up. IF there is no business they don't open.

Kind of like evey other business. Marketing only goes so far.

If SR the plan did not work they would change it, well that is my guess. 5 years ago when Sunday River Started to push the envelope we got early skiing back. K had to react. Does anyone really believe K would have done the changess unless Sunday River pushed the Envelope.

Andy Zee is right.K and Sunday River give the customers more days than most other areas.


Andy Eich is those people you say who have control of thier time and are successful. I think He speaks for himself quite well.
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Oct 14, 2004
Canterbury NH, Bethel Me
SkiersLeft. I like your passion and your Love for K. Great Terrrain, some really good people. IF the bet ends us being lost, plesae look us up sat Sunday River. We do out own version of a b1 BBQ, or I will host the berveage sampling at my place. Open inviatation with a place to stay.


Nov 4, 2010
What are we even arguing about again ?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
To summarize:
Original thread was about who opens first. Now the thread has developed into who's got the longest season.
SR opens from 10/14 to 4/19 while K opens from 11/7 to 4/25 = SR 18 days more.
For the season SR opens 165 days while K was opens 168.= K 3 days more.
Who has the longest season? You decide.
Someone else mentioned, competition is good for us, I agree.

PS: All statistics are pulled completely out of my ass. (learned that from you hahaha)
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mister moose

Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Longest season is longest season. Not the longest uninterupted season, or the longest including midweek season, or the longest top to bottom season (which Killington also used to whine about), or the longest season with all lifts running. If you want to brag about most number days open, then please call it what it is.

Killington also boasts most vertical, which it technically deserves. However, if you call the metric most vertical lapable off one lift, or most vertical that has no green trails, killington falls from first place.

If Killington is going to take the technical mantle of largest vertical, it also loses the technical mantle of longest season to Sunday River more often than not lately.

That doesn't take away from anyone's enthusiasm for Killington, including skiersleft. It does take away from the credibility of his lengthy argument, no matter how long it is. For according to him, areas like Magic and Pico have no season at all, as they aren't open continuously.


Nov 4, 2010
Oh, if we talked about terrain, a better competitor for SR would be Okemo not K.


New member
Nov 13, 2006
Bedford and Franconia NH
Oh....and second, yes, Kton does have better terrain than SR. But that goes without saying. Also better vertical, nightlife, close to civilization, more natural snowfall, better tree skiing, bump skiing, and I won't go on because it's humiliating.

It is humiliating.You humiliate yourself.If nightlife is one of your checkmarks for skiing then....wow...you must be killing it out there.Close to civilization?I want exactly the opposite and stay the hell away from resorts like Killigton for just that reason.You left out one thing K has in spades over SR...a-holes.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2006
Right where I want to be
It is humiliating.You humiliate yourself.If nightlife is one of your checkmarks for skiing then....wow...you must be killing it out there.Close to civilization?I want exactly the opposite and stay the hell away from resorts like Killigton for just that reason.You left out one thing K has in spades over SR...a-holes.
HAHAHA - It has to do with where they draw their crowd from.