Lostone said:3) Actually, they didn't build it. That was the previous owner... ASC. But they do run it. Friday to Sunday and holidays. They are very upfront about that, this year.
Yep, knew that. At least now they are more up front about it... :wink:
Lostone said:3a) There are very few people that work for the mountain postingon their RSN forum. And you should never get a rude response from someone who represents the mountain.
I vividly recall as a season pass holder some other pass holders voicing concerns over snowmaking and quality of skiing via RSN and other venues and being called "whiners" by a SB rep in the forum. Kind of left a bitter taste I guess. :-?
I'm not sure I get your point about midweek...aren't day ticket rates (if I just walked off the street without the Sugarcard) now in excess of $50 if not $60 for a non-holiday, midweek, "all mtn" pass?