So you think criticizing me (et al) for a manuever that I've clearly explained is done only when necesary for my own safety by elegantly and swiftly introducing a strawman (bad cyclists practicing the tactic when not necessary) was a good idea? Particularly as a moderator? I thought you were smarter than that.
As long as you're throwing out strawmen, and making incorrect inferences about my riding, I'll just go ahead an infer you're one of those road rage prone maniacs clipping my elbow around blind hills and corners as I'm an inch from the curb, with no respect for the fact he's piloting a 1 to 2 ton piece of heavy steel machinery around pedestrians and other vehicles that offer little to no protection. Way to go crazy man. I'm surprised you haven't killed anyone yet.
Isn't bad debating fun?
I think hyper-sensitivity is more fun actually.
I was also more speaking in regards to 'A hole' cyclists out there (which you agreed there are), not 'you' specifically. And if you want to get into 'reading is fundamental' jabs......where in my response which you quoted did I say anything about 'you' as an individual.
I'm sure you're a fine and respectful cyclist. I can assure I am a respectful driver......even towards the a - holes.
Ultimately, I was more busting balls than anything else. But way to take it personally. Relax Marc, you're overeacting.