Common practice in NorCal, see below.
We're not in NorCal, nor do we have the provisions to provide a safe area to pull over.
Honestly, this is just stupid. Seriously: if I caught you I want to go faster. End of story.
Doesn't mean that you have the right to do so. I have just as much right to travel at the speed that I'm traveling at. Just because you want to go faster doesn't mean you should act like a baby and throw a tantrum...
As I mentioned above; I've been the guy caught behind slow drivers on many occasions, definitely way more than I've been the guy in front. I've also been the raging dick giving the slow driver a hard time, but I've matured somewhat since then and can now see how stupid it is.
9 times out of 10 if I'm the guy in front and a faster driver catches up I'll accelerate and try to loose them (if I'm not with my wife and/or kids that is) or I'll let them pass and then try to keep up with them. Dudes with fancy beemers and such get annoyed when my VW Passat wagon can keep up with them, or even pull away.
It's not NE but actually CA does have a law (CVC # 21656), slower drivers must pull over to permit passing (if 5 or more vehicles build up behind you). Should you visit you'll see a white (regulatory) sign on many 2 lane hwys telling you to pull over. It's quite likely you'll see marked areas to pull over - like another lane for a quarter mile or so you don't have to stop. I'd love to see a similar thing here, but plowing might be an issue.
If you don't use such an opportunity you will see someone like GSS at their worst.
(this is coming from a guy who once passed 14 cars at a less than safe place in reaction to one not following the rules...FYI a 96 honda civic cuts you off of 2nd gear at about 73... I've mellowed out quite a bit since then.)
As I said above, we're not in NorCal and don't have those provisions. I'd support that idea around here though.
I know all about people road raging, believe me. I'd go into specific instances of my familiarity, but my wife doesn't need to know about them.