I lived in the Burlington/Stowe area for the better part of 10 years. 375 is a pretty accurate number at the summit of Jay. If they're stretching the truth, it ain't by much. They definitely average 300+ as does Stowe.
LOL!!! Sure they do....150 inches more per year than tug hill! Good luck with that!
Hmmm mount mansfield..... http://www.wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?vt5416
220 inch average at 4400 feet. Show me a single nws station reporting over 200 inches in the state of vermont? Forget nearly 400, which is western type snowfall average. You can see when snow is falling at jay peak by looking at a radar. They've really mastered the art of bullshit with that jay cloud orographic lift microclimate b.s. But hey if you east coasters want to believe jay peak gets nearly 400 inches.....all the best with that and I hope the tooth fairy leaves you lots of money!