Not Sure
Well-known member
I think you’re missing a main point here that the state he comes from is much less significant than how safe he is in Vermont. Assuming that he practices all the safety measures there is little to zero risk for transmission, even if he had the virus. Is he in close contact with people without masks for 15+ minutes? Probably not. Is he wearing a mask when in public and distancing? Probably yes.
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Some anecdotal evidence: My mother was an assisted living facility that was doing really well up until a month and a half ago. A staff member spread it to 11 people my mother being one. She’s in her mid 90s and yesterday got her second negative test. Overall she was in pretty poor health to begin with but managed to beat it. When she was sent to the ER three weeks ago I spent five hours next to her thinking she was going to pass . The ER doctor on many occasions was 1 foot away from her face because she couldn’t talk very well. Everyone in the room had masks on, Neither myself or the ER doctor tested positive. To date and none of the people that tested positive and the nursing facility had passed away they’ve all survived.
I understand people are still dying but I think the disease is being dealt with differently now.
One thing I don’t know that’s being measured is how many people are committing suicide, how many Cancer cases and other diseases are going undiagnosed due to the lockdowns?