just an FYI - Cannon is stopping the sale of season passes on Sunday Nov 1
Exactly - that’s why I’m under the gun to make a decision...
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just an FYI - Cannon is stopping the sale of season passes on Sunday Nov 1
Yes, butYup. You have to live your life. And as non-PC as it sounds, for most people the risk of this virus is greatly over-worried to the point that I think 100 years from now it will be looked back upon and psychologically studied as a true hysteria, in the literal as opposed to the figurative use of that word.
So, smartly, MRG knows that while many of us parents are willing to skirt the insane and irrational quarantining rules - there's no way in hell we're going to put our kids in a position of having to lie. So, that's it. Game's over. (I'm not criticizing MRG in any way, I'm just pointing out that they've figured out a very effective way of keeping day tripping kids from "bad" counties out of their kids programs...).
your alternate facts are certainly confusitating.
Smart? I think that's flipping horrible. And using world history as a guide, I'm uncomfortable with it, and in the immortal words of Forrest Gump, "that's all I'm uh gonn' say bout' that". If you know, you know.
They say “you are what you eat”... oops! What you READ!
hey, mr dog.
can you provide a link to your claim of: "death rate in US lowest week since March 22nd"
your alternate facts are certainly confusitating. here, look at this ( under where it shows 233,990 dead). this is not a political statement, but an educational tool
According to this, I'm a little off- but still, point remains - its low.
Then, take the 816 and remove 94% ( that pass away due to comorbidity ) and you end up with 49 poor souls that pass away due to China virus.
Wish it on no one, but if we're healthy or, free, willing to take the chance, as Moses said ' Let my people ski'
the 30% increase in suicide is only one of many unintended consequences of lock downs.
We shall not grow wiser before we learn that much that we have done was very foolish.
—F. A. Hayek
Research data from many countries on excess death rate (scientific paper, not crap misreported by most news sources, from the left and right) indicate that COVID-19 related deaths are UNDER REPORTED.
One example of many: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2768086
[FONT="]'Between March 1, 2020, and April 25, 2020, a total of 505 059 deaths were reported in the US; 87 001 (95% CI, 86 578-87 423) were excess deaths, of which 56 246 (65%) were attributed to COVID-19'[/FONT]
Avian, Ebola, MERS, Spanish,Hong Kong, etc.
Point taken though on totals. We may never know. As you point out FB, there a lot of sources out there on both sides that aren't all vetted.
two quotes that fit ( one real - I think?)
"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine." ~Abraham Lincoln
to learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
Both wrong, with one being funny and the other from a piece of white trash named Strom.