Dr Skimeister
New member
My son when he was about 15 months old, almost 2 years ago, when we were on our way out to Utah, came down with the stomach bug on the Chicago-Salt lake City leg of the trip. Maybe 25/30 minutes out of O'Haire, BAM, projectile puke over himself, my wife, and the guy in the seat directly behind my son![]()
Not a pretty site/smell. I actually when the flight was over tipped the flight attendants $20 each for their help in cleaning things up AND gave, what turned out to be the very nice man with kids of similiar ages to mine, $50 for his dry cleaning bill.
That was NOT a good flight
Many years ago when my oldest daughter was 4 years old, we were doing a trip to Germany with my parents and siblings. The whole roots thing to visit relatives on the continent. Anyway, while we were waiting to board the 7PM flight from Newark to Heathrow, my dad fed my daughter a whole bag of gummy worms, thinking he was being a good grandpa. Needless to say what made a projectile appearance an hour or two into the flight.
I must say that the United Airlines flight attendants were super in helping to clean me/my daughter/her mom up. They even took my daughter into the lavatory and washed the gummy mess out of her hair.