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Skiing..helping or hurting


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
Stamford Ct and Stowe
Besides all the covid related things..is skiing helping you deal with all this or hurting? Most season here in the East , the weather is the culprit for aggravation..this season we have a multitude of evils. Crowding, the reservation system, VAIL..etc. Skiing was a way to get away from stress but this season, well not so much. I'm hoping that when this is over, next season? things will get better..just seems like skiing is getting more difficult each year. Crowding has taken its toll for sure. My go to places in Utah are now over run..even Stowe becomes a shitshow when there is a hint of snow coming. Just not sure what to do about it. All my hobbies combined will never take the place of it. But they sure are easier to deal with.


Active member
Mar 27, 2018
things will get better..just seems like skiing is getting more difficult each year. Crowding has taken its toll for sure. My go to places in Utah are now over run..even Stowe becomes a shitshow when there is a hint of snow coming. Just not sure what to do about it. All my hobbies combined will never take the place of it. But they sure are easier to deal with.
Seems to be the new normal in Epic/Ikonville. Finding a good indy resort is probably the way to go if you can. I've pretty much given up with the larger mega pass resorts on busy days in recent years. In a normal year when out of state travel was possible, I'd stick to Magic on days where Mount Snow or Stratton were slammed


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
Stamford Ct and Stowe
Since our condo is right down the road from Stowe, were kind of stuck there. We do visit SB and once in a while I'll hit MRG. Hunter is 2 hours from me in CT and recovers quicker than anyone after rain. If we had reliable snow then Bell and Platt are good options. The weather is killing us and the ability to blow tons of snow dictates a good day..or not. We used to go to Alta/Bird but that has become a shitshow. We base out of PC now and go to Alta/Bird during the week. Yup..the EPIC pass is a double edged sword. Makes it easier for us..and the rest of the country. If it didn't exist I would happily buy a season pass to Stowe and frequent skier cards for the rest. Our ski club gets good deals all over the world as well. But man you have to see crowds at places like St Anton to really understand what a crowd can be on a powder day. But at least there you have 100 more lifts once you are out of the base area. Going to have to be creative these days.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
Lower Hudson Valley
I reserve my answer till after the holiday period.

In the recent years, I had bypass the weather issue by going out west before end of January, when the weather in the east is just too uncertain. By February, there's usually enough snow on the mountains even a bit of rain here and there won't wash all of it away. So there's always some place to ski on real now (rather than grass).

Of course, this year I can't go out west (safely). So I'm waiting to see if things go back to a more "sane" level after the holiday madness. This waiting thing, is a little annoying. Though so far, only "a little".

And don't forget, Vail CEO Rob Katz did say, very famously "Most people should be able to ski on most days they want to ski!". As much as I distrust him, I think he's based his statement on the pattern of years past. Granted, that's no guarantee this year will be like any in the past. However, I think the pattern will return next year regardless.

So, skiing helps for me. I'm still able to find relieve from everyday stress by going skiing.

That said, I've had to modify my skiing habit over the years to avoid many of the aggravation. I'm lucky that I have that luxury, to be flexible. If I imagine I'm locked into a situation where I don't have the luxury of flexibility, I'm not sure I'll be able to say the same.


Active member
Apr 2, 2020
Maybe the answer to over crowded ski areas is build new ski resorts or raise the prices of the super passes so some people drop the super passes or some combination of the two, just a thought


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Despite my grievances on here due to issues with Vail, the joy on my son's face as he continues to develop his skills makes the hassles worth it. I'll feel the same next season when my daughter starts.

My own personal desire to ski and the experience I want is a distant second to their experience and I assume that will be the case for many years


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2010
It certainly has been a strange year. The strange has extended to the ski season. I've never missed a powder day because I couldn't get out of my driveway before. Say hello to 2020. Ironically I skied exclusively in NY last season because I planned a trip to CO in March. Well that trip was obviously scratched. Now it's looking like it may be another year of NY skiing. Hopefully things will turn around enough by spring that I'll b able to make the CO trip. I bought the Indy add on, but without breaking rules, I'm not planning on being able to use much.


Active member
Oct 2, 2017
Skiing has always been expensive - not mean to be that way its just a capital intensive business. Add to that ( in past 25 years) the environmental demands and easier legal suits.
Like everything and anything the pendulum swings too far one way, then the other.

Now comes along a business model based on volume and getting more people out more often. Add to that model guaranteed early money ( pass purchases in Spring) and multiple places - and sprinkle in a booming economy in '18-'19, with more middle class people moving to upper middle, and you have crowds.

Used to be - I don't know how long ago - avg skier skied 3-4 days a year - two weekends essentially - we are not talking about the passionate on this forum.

It's still a great sport, some will fall off, some will become more passionate. I've NEVER seen so many people in the backcountry - summer or winter. Overall that's gotta be a good thing (* unless like me, you like being alone in the wilderness)

Economy will dictate ski area traffic, but backcountry is a lot cheaper once equipment is purchased.

I'll vote with slug on the difficulties of getting a parking space or a reservation - but still worth it. And Little and Big, plus PC has been that way for years. Soon PM will be too. I never hear of Telluride or Crested Butte - maybe because not easily accessible - a good reason to consider.


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2016
Southeast NY /Southern VT
Skiing and Riding definitely helping. Kids out today for first time and had a great time at Magic even with one route from mid mountain and a small park.

I feel very fortunate to have a place in the Golden triangle with Magic as an option to compliment Ikon Stratton.

My sister and brother n law are stratton devotees and I constantly hear the crowding complaints over busy weekends and Holiday periods.

Today was windy and most of Strattons upper mountain lifts were on windhold. A common occurrence.

My family had a great time at Magic even with the limited offerings and there was zero covid or crowding stress.

So TL/DR indy small places are the way to go.

King Slug isn't Bolton an option for you on those super crowded Epic weekends?


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
Stamford Ct and Stowe
I've never tried Bolton. Have to check it out. When you commute every day to the city..crowds are the last thing I want to deal with any more. But thats getting hard to avoid. BC is a great escape..


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
Despite my grievances on here due to issues with Vail, the joy on my son's face as he continues to develop his skills makes the hassles worth it. I'll feel the same next season when my daughter starts.

My own personal desire to ski and the experience I want is a distant second to their experience and I assume that will be the case for many years
My daughters are 21 and 18 now. It's been a real thrill to watch them grow on the slopes. Skiing that storm with them earlier this season was a real treat.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
This is an interesting thread.

We usually take one family trip a year to ski. We were supposed to be flying to Europe this year over the holidays to ski the French Alps. But that was special circumstances. Usually it's a EC drive away location, and I'm a total freak ball of nerves watching the weather. Then we score a few weekend or single over night trips based on schedules and weather, otherwise day trip to the pokes or cats. And I take one guy trip in the spring.

But in response to Covid, we took all that money and rented a house in the Catskills and bought passes at Bell. That will be our skiing, and we'll hike weekends where the skiing sucks.

We love the place, and are really looking forward to whatever the full season brings (we had to vacate for the holidays for another tenant who had the place booked already.)

In a way, it's a load of my mind. We're locked in, and if the skiing doesn't happen, we'll find another way to enjoy getting away and being outdoors.

Our passes are blacked out for MLK and Pres, so I think I'll get us patty tickets for a day or two then. But that's all the planing and thinking and stressing I have to do.

The other thing that happened in response to Covid is, I took up mountain biking. Needed something to do other than running, which was getting boring for me. And have a few friends who bike, so it became a safe way to have a night of activity and safe socializing. Normally I would rock climb indoors with a few of these guys, but that was out. So we would bike, then set up in the lot with some tailgating after, all outdoors, all socially distant. That was a real treat.

And while weather dependent, it's not like skiing....it's either to with to ride, or it's not. And it's right out my back door, or 20 min. drive to some decent trails. That was a real blessing from this mess too. Probably would have just kept up with the running, signing up for some half marathons and races to keep me motivated, and rock climbing, which really, I enjoy, but not as much as biking.

In general, it feels harder every year to be an EC skier, in the way I want to be. Like an every weekend getting good turns in, having a real experience, not just shuffling through the line and sliding down frozen cord. The weather really feels like it's succumbing to global warming right before our eyes. And we just don't have the elevation to hold it off much longer.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
" Crowding, the reservation system, VAIL..etc"

your problem isn't with skiing, your problem is that you are an epic pass holder and weekend skier who still hasn't realized how fucking stupid that is.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2010
Dillsburg, PA
Helping here. I am fortunate to have a local place here within 4 miles of where I type this. Its not the greats skiing, but its close and I can go everyday if I want. sure its owned by Vail, but compared to a lot of other places in the east it appears we're winning down here since we're almost 100% open.

looking forward to heading out in a little while to hit up some runs at opening bell before getting back to work.


Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
Stamford Ct and Stowe
" Crowding, the reservation system, VAIL..etc"

your problem isn't with skiing, your problem is that you are an epic pass holder and weekend skier who still hasn't realized how fucking stupid that is.
Vail Resorts has sold an astonishing 850,000 season passes so far this season.
Me and almost a million people...whats you great idea.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
to not get the same product as those other million people and to have various independent options available so i dont have to whine about stowe being crowded every single day on a message board.

'but wahhhhhh i have a house at stowe' - cool first world problem you've got there. you already admitted you've never even checked out bolton. so stop whining on a message board and don't make stupid decisions and then you wont deal with shitty overcrowded vail resorts.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
The other nice thing about Bell is, no reservations required for pass holders. So we don't have to deal with that stressor.