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this couldnt have happened to a "nicer" school? lol

Feb 3, 2010
Brownsville, Brooklyn
talk about a bastion of BS!!

Alleged Harvard Impostor Rejected by New Republic
(May 19) — The 23-year-old man
charged with identity fraud and larceny for
allegedly lying his way into Harvard tried to
fool The New Republic for an internship,
the magazine says.
“We did not accept him,” The New Republic
wrote on its website, posting a twopage
resume it said it received from Adam
B. Wheeler in his application to the literary
section. In it, the magazine reports the Harvard
transfer student claims he attended
the school for four years, lists a perfect 4.0
grade-point average and purports to know
the Old English, Classical Armenian and
Old Persian languages.
Josh Reynolds, AP
Adam B. Wheeler was charged with larceny
and falsifying documents from Harvard
University, MIT and Phillips Andover
Wheeler, a former Harvard senior,
pleaded not guilty Tuesday to 20 criminal
charges, including identity fraud, larceny
and pretending to hold a degree. Middlesex
County, Mass., prosecutors accuse him of
pulling off an elaborate academic con to
gain entry to Harvard — including fabricating
high school transcripts, claiming a 1600
on his SAT, forging letters of recommendation
and plagiarizing a Harvard professor
in his application for Rhodes and Fulbright
Authorities allege Wheeler duped Harvard
out of more than $45,000 in financial
aid and scholarship money.
“In essence this is an elaborate and tangled
web of lies and deceit in a brazen and
offensive scheme,” Middlesex District Attorney
Gerard T. Leone Jr. said.
Wheeler’s attorney defended his client in
the midst of the media circus outside Middlesex
Superior Court.
“He’ll have his day in court, and it’s not
today and it’s not in front of the media,”
Steven Sussman told reporters.
Fellow students said they were suspicious
of Wheeler since his enrollment as a
transfer student in 2008. Authorities said
he claimed to have attended the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology when, in fact,
he came from Bowdoin College in Maine,
which ousted him for “academic dishonesty.”
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“He didn’t engage that many of us in conversation,”
Harvard student Austin Keenan
said on this morning’s NBC’s “Today”
show. “He never attended the transfer orientation
events or anything.”
The alleged deception has raised questions
about the validity of the admission
process and left some Harvard students
feeling resentful.
“I have worked really hard for my A’s and
B’s and D’s,” senior Megan Amram told
“Today.” “Don’t worry, Mom. Those D’s are
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