Well-known member
I agree with your lift assessment between those mountains. This is just preference but I’m not a fan of the upper/lower pod setups vs T2B. That’s an issue I have with Cannon, which I know is blasphemy on AZ. I fully get why they’re set up that way but just not how I like to do my runs. Long runs with one lift trip is my preference.I would be happy if people switch from Stowe to SB. Less people works for me. IMO Stowe is a better mountain then SB on many levels. @ Stowe you have vertical all the way down to the lift, Not the case @ SB The backcountry/ side country however you want to name it is better. When there is a rain event Stowe has the capacity to refresh the mountain in a more efficient manor then SB does. They make better snow, more of it and they groom better then SB does. Lift systems are quicker, and it’s nice to get to the top of the mountain on one lift. I would agree that SB has an advantage with pod lifts when it is windy and can spread people out a bit better then Stowe can. SB has always been more aggressive in opening trails then Stowe. SB has had plenty of issues this year. North Ridge chair not open even though it’s the main chair over at Ellen, Last weekend two chairs not working for most of the weekend @ Ellen. Not making enough snow this season due to broken pipe and water issues.
I am not a fan of Vail but some of these complaints in this thread are getting ridiculous. I hope Kingslug is right that a significant amount of people move to SB, for me I would rather be @ Stowe over an entire season then SB. So let the migration begin…….