I think SnowRock has it right here. I am surprised that on this forum of experienced skiers there isn't more recognition of the impact of CV19 lift loading restrictions had on lift lines this year. Most areas were lucky if they were hitting 50% capacity on their lifts even on weekends. In theory (and I believe) - next season we are basically going to be doubling the lift capacity (assuming they can fill chairs to 100% when needed). That will make a huge difference. And note that skiers visits, while down this year, weren't down by 50%. I believe Vail is reporting an 11% decrease YOY. So while the pass pricing will drive skier visits up next year, it's not like it's going to cause them to double. Net/net should result in shorter lift lines next year, not longer.I also don't know how we can make assumptions about lift lines next year based on this year. This year we have a ton of companies still operating under total WFH status... especially in NY and Boston. Not to mention uphill capacity being limited by 50% or more depending upon the type of lift.
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