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Any keglers????


New member
Oct 20, 2006
Leagues here just getting started this week which only means one thing---winter is close!!!!!

I bowl tuesdays and started this year off WAY over my head with a 638---kinda average for a "good" bowler but good for me:daffy:


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2007
Kegeln = German for bowling.

I didn't know campgottagopee (CGGP) was German.


New member
Mar 2, 2005
East Hampton, CT

Wa-Loaf, CampGottagopee and Moe Ghoul enjoy a round against Deadhead Skier.
Aug 23, 2007
Bowling is fun! We had a bowling alley right down the hill from my middle school and we used to bowl in Gym class and once a week after school we could bowl 2 games for $1. Me and a few friends used to bowl for money..usually pretty small stakes..nothing like in Kingpin. At college I took bowling for my two PE credits. I got an A- in bowling..doh...my average was just shy of 170 and my top game was I think 213. Now I mostly go bowling on dates. On a date up in Scranton (the bowling capital of the known Universe) this past winter..I bowled 5 games..which is alot for me...

O.K. time to find some bowling stoke to post!!!!!

MR. evil

New member
Nov 29, 2007
I bowled as a teenager in leagues and tournys from the age of 13 to 19. But since I was about 21 I have only bowled a couple of times a year. Too many other hobbies and at that age bowling wasn't exactly cool. For the first 3 years of high school none of my friends knew where i was on sat & sun mornings when i was at the bowling alley. It wasn't until senior year that my mother slipped up when a friend called one sat morning and she told him I was bowling in my league :-o. He kept it to himself but gave me a hard time in private over it. There were a couple of other guys i went to school with that bowled in the same leagues. We all promised to keep it hush hush. Kind of silly when i think back. for the last 3 years I bowled my average ussually howered anywhere from 200 to 215. All the parents were PO'd that i was in the same league as there kids. I bowled in one adult non money league with my father and most of the men didn't like getting there butt kicked by a kid including my dad. But he got over it pretty quick. Now when I bowl once or twice a years I am ussually in the 190's. The guy that ran the pro shop took and intrest in me (kind of creepy) and was always giving me free gear. I still have about 10 or 12 bowling balls at my parents place and one or two at my house. Someday I may get back into it. It would be cool to bowl with my dad in a league again.


New member
Oct 20, 2006
I bowled as a teenager in leagues and tournys from the age of 13 to 19. But since I was about 21 I have only bowled a couple of times a year. Too many other hobbies and at that age bowling wasn't exactly cool. For the first 3 years of high school none of my friends knew where i was on sat & sun mornings when i was at the bowling alley. It wasn't until senior year that my mother slipped up when a friend called one sat morning and she told him I was bowling in my league :-o. He kept it to himself but gave me a hard time in private over it. There were a couple of other guys i went to school with that bowled in the same leagues. We all promised to keep it hush hush. Kind of silly when i think back. for the last 3 years I bowled my average ussually howered anywhere from 200 to 215. All the parents were PO'd that i was in the same league as there kids. I bowled in one adult non money league with my father and most of the men didn't like getting there butt kicked by a kid including my dad. But he got over it pretty quick. Now when I bowl once or twice a years I am ussually in the 190's. The guy that ran the pro shop took and intrest in me (kind of creepy) and was always giving me free gear. I still have about 10 or 12 bowling balls at my parents place and one or two at my house. Someday I may get back into it. It would be cool to bowl with my dad in a league again.

I know many guys that have that same story----I din't start until I was 36 and even then it was on a bet. A lot of the guys I golf with bowl in the winter time around here and I would always rib them on how bowling was for people who couldn't ski. So, one drunkin evening they talked me into subing for them---I of course really stunk up the joint then realized that it wasn't easy and it actually is a blast. This is my 8th year bowling on tues nites and have no plans of giving it up.


Staff member
Mar 6, 2005
Southeast NH
Bowling is fun! We had a bowling alley right down the hill from my middle school and we used to bowl in Gym class and once a week after school we could bowl 2 games for $1. Me and a few friends used to bowl for money..usually pretty small stakes..nothing like in Kingpin. At college I took bowling for my two PE credits. I got an A- in bowling..doh...my average was just shy of 170 and my top game was I think 213. Now I mostly go bowling on dates. On a date up in Scranton (the bowling capital of the known Universe) this past winter..I bowled 5 games..which is alot for me...

O.K. time to find some bowling stoke to post!!!!!

Dude, you took Bowling at UVM to??? I took it as well and tested out of swimming for the other two credits, which I almost died during.

Did you have the woman bowling teacher who though she gave easy grades was a bit of a nazi at the same time? She would get pissed at me because I refused to throw a hook. I just got up there and let it rip as hard as I could :lol:

That was a fun class. Safety meeting in the car on the way to 'class' at the lanes in Colchester. Our team won the 'Pin' as best team for the season.
Aug 23, 2007
Dude, you took Bowling at UVM to??? I took it as well and tested out of swimming for the other two credits, which I almost died during.

Did you have the woman bowling teacher who though she gave easy grades was a bit of a nazi at the same time? She would get pissed at me because I refused to throw a hook. I just got up there and let it rip as hard as I could :lol:

That was a fun class. Safety meeting in the car on the way to 'class' at the lanes in Colchester. Our team won the 'Pin' as best team for the season.

Yeah I had the woman.."Bowling Professor"...and she was always giving me sh!t about my alignment..I could get a strike but she always had something to say..and Safety meetings on the way were always mandatory as well as when I had a 3 hour long once a week evening business class senior year...lol