Active member
Aren't CFLs also hazardous waste because of mercury content? So when they do go you need to keep them around and try to find a way to dispose of them...I admit I hate the new CFL lightbulbs. Stopped buying them. The ones outside and in the garage take too long to warm up. The light is too stark for inside. I think I'll be hoarding the incandescent when they become illegal lol.
And...to be all conspiracy-like, I swear incandescents are blowing out faster then ever, so manufacturers can say CFLs last so much longer. I have one thats a major pain to replace and we are doing it so much more often now it seems..
+1no, I won't praise them because I disagree with the manipulating/speculating. As said prior, I would rather commodity futures not be a tradeable financial instrument. The only people who benefit from that are the traders and investors.
Consumers would be best served by true market values on commodities, not what some guy in a suit in a corner office predicts to make a buck for himself and an investor.
If true supply/demand puts the price of a barrel of oil at $80 or so, then that's what it should be.