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New “Change of Pace” Pass
Speaking of changes, Magic announced a new “pass” this week—only it may be a season pass you have at another mountain. Now, we’d like to think everyone here has a Magic season pass . But, we know that many skiers and riders have another home hill season pass. Those are pretty pricey and it makes it difficult to venture off that well-worn path. Magic’s “Change of Pace” policy lets those season pass holders at other Vermont resorts show their home pass at our ticket booth for $10 off weekends and holiday tickets to escape to Magic every now and then. Stratton, Bromley, Okemo, Mount Snow are all within 30 minutes of Magic—a place where the trails and glades fall like no other, and where we have plenty of room for a few more guests.
I always liked getting a discount at Jay for showing my Maigc pass. I'm glad to see Magic adding this feature.