main·te·nance (m
ns)n.1. The act of maintaining or the state of being maintained.
2. The work of keeping something in proper condition; upkeep.
If the New guns at Attitash and Wildcat allow them to make better quality snow at a faster rate, that's improvement; not maintenance. I think anyone who has frequently skied the Boyne areas in the east can attest to the fact that their snowmaking is much improved over ten years ago. If putting in new guns was "maintenance" then there would be no improvement.
2. The work of keeping something in proper condition; upkeep.
If the New guns at Attitash and Wildcat allow them to make better quality snow at a faster rate, that's improvement; not maintenance. I think anyone who has frequently skied the Boyne areas in the east can attest to the fact that their snowmaking is much improved over ten years ago. If putting in new guns was "maintenance" then there would be no improvement.