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Vaccine doesn’t stop 100% of cases nor does it stop 100% from being hospitalized nor from dying. Is it better than not getting vaccinated? Yes much. 1 example does not make it useless and it people reposting 1 example (or 50) just gets more idiots to not get the shot.So I pulled this line from a post from someone else months ago
So the vaccinations have created a false sense of security for many because of the messaging around it like the statement above. Yet more and more people are getting Covid after being vaccinated and there are some bad cases.
- Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.
Interestingly enough, our son got Covid in basic training last summer (dragged him down for a few days), military was requiring the vaccine and he got the two Moderna doses in May - now about three and a half months later he has Covid again and he is sounding pretty bad and quarantined for a 6th time in 1.5 years.
It was known that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting Covid but the symptoms should be asymptomatic or minimal (like a cold). If that is the case, we should have stayed masked since those vaccinated could become or probably are a silent super spreader under the guise of living life as back to normal.
Many health organizations are now stating that Covid will now be like the flu and will mutate year after year. Heck in the past year there have been several mutations.