New member
i prefer not to use flash in an outdoor setting if possible. Sometimes it "flares" the snow or in other words makes it blinding white. I would take a dark pic and brighten it on photo shop. Im only 13 but i love takin pics and hope to become a photogrpher for TWS when i get older. Maybe just a far fetched dream but hey, im young and let me make up my little fantasies as long as possible! Next year i would like to get more into the scenery picture takin. (trails, mountains) A way to make the trail look steeper is set the camera on the trail facing up. It also is a intresting shot. The only problem i have takin pics is that my friends dont like waitin for me to get my camera out out, but recently they have been very intrested in getting a good shot...mostly for myspace. Check out my gallery.
Nice pics!
Here they are if anyone is interested.