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What do we seek?


New member
Sep 29, 2006
Skiing helps me keep things in balance, in perspective.
I also bike and coach soccer to balance things out.

I begin to ask similar questions when I find that my time/energy/effort/planning/coaching does not equal the amount of fun I have in return. I am sitting here dreading the upcoming soccer season because of this very fact. Conversely, I am excited about the arrival of spring and summer because of biking. I can't wait to get out there and just bike. No planning, no time limits (well almost), I can just go. I bike because I enjoy it, no other reason. I don't bike to keep in shape for skiing (even though it does), or even just to keep in shape in general, I bike because I want to.

Why do you ski? What makes it fun?
Maybe some of the ski related things are dragging you down and need to be reconsidered.

just my two cents